
Why not use Bio Fuel too heat our Homes?

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Heating Oil is just low grade, poorly filtered Diesel fuel.




  1. First off, TAT, don't insist on displaying your ignorance.  Homes in this country are heated by Electricity, Natural Gas, Coal, Heating Oil and Solar, depending on where you live.  Just cuz YOUR house has gas, don't presume that it is required that everyone have gas.

    Now, to the question - Bio-Fuels, so far, are less efficient than petroleum based products, and the less refined the petroleum product the more that is true.  The fact is the cost of Bio-fuels is pretty much fixed across the spectrum from low to high performance, so it makes more sense to use Bio-fuels to replace high performance (i.e. Gasoline), than low performance (i.e. heating oil) fuels, which are relatively low cost.

  2. because so far, bio fuels have not proven their worth..  they are way less efficient.  growing them requires not growing food.  the amount you have to consume to get the same benefit ends us causing more pollution when you add up the whole process.

    maybe someday, but not yet.

  3. I think that's a great idea. I live in the pacific northwest in an area where most of the homes are electrically heated (electricity coming from the dams).  But in areas where heating oil is required I'm all for bio fuels.  

  4. Bio fuel is more expensive than natural gas. Natural gas is what is used to heat homes not diesel.  Bio fuel creates more pollution than natural gas. Bio fuel puts a strain on the grain prices resulting in higher food prices.  

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