
Why not use a solar panel to produce Browns Gas (HHO)?

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Stanley Meyers used a process to split Hydrogen /Oxygen from water. It seems that everyone agrees that this can be done by inducing an electric charge in the warter there by spliting it into HHO ( Browns Gas ) So why not use solar panels to produce the electric charge into the water? It seems to me also that the whole argument that you lose energy because the it takes more enery to split the HHO than you can get from burning it in an ICE is irreleavent because the sun shines for free everyday and water falls from the sky. So why is no one doing this? Do you like paying $4:00 per gallon of gas when there is a free fuel available? Also, even though you lose energy by burning it an ICE ( maybe maybe not search Stanly Meyers ) you could still simply wait on the sun to produce more free gas!




  1. According to Wikipedia a typical solar panel will produce a 1.35 kWh/m^2/day. If my commute takes me an hour a day and requires about 30 hp and my ICE is 30% efficient, I would require about 50 m^2 of solar panels to produce the required amount of Browns gas, assuming 100% efficiency in conversion (not). That is a lot of solar panels!

    The Browns gas is only free if somebody gives you the solar panels!

  2. This is certainly possible, however the problem with this approach is the storage of the produced HHO.

    An 'on demand' process is much safer and simpler.

    Hybrid Systems are already available that improve fuel economy some 20% to 60%.

    DIY 'plans' and such are also available for those who like to tinker.

  3. So this process is LESS efficient than SOLAR power? That answers your question right there.

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