
Why not vote independent?

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You don't have to choose sides, there is more than two parties. Both Obama and McCain are snakes who backstabbed their way to where they were and, in my opinion, would not make good presidents at all, (although Obama would be a nice symbol of how far america has come to get past prejudice, but then again voting for a president is reverse racism isn't it?) Why take a break from the corrupt beasts that are the democratic and republican parties?





  2. It's pretty funny how everyone always balks when you say "vote independent" saying that the indie doesn't have a chance. I love how no one ever realizes it's because they're the ones not giving them a chance.

    This is one Democrat going Independent this November...despite whether they have a feasible "chance" or not.

  3. because that would be almost as good as not voting at all.

    throw your vote away if you want.

    OBAMA IN 08 !!!!!!!!

  4. Because I am a democrat and I agree with and like the democratic candidates.

  5. So what makes you think that a third party candidate would be any cleaner than these guys? I don't see any halos around Nader's or Barr's heads.

  6. Because when we do we usually end up with a Republican! Thanks but no thanks! Splitting the vote is not the way to go unless you were the Fascist party!

  7. Okay.  What does that look like? Staying home?  I don't think so.

  8. Waste of a vote. No third party candidate has a chance.

  9. I don't know what Independents believe, post some of their beliefs and I will look through them

  10. In a perfect system, voting independent would be great. But until there is a viable independent candidate, there is the mentality that we're throwing away our vote on a candidate that won't win. This could hurt the chances of your second choice winning. See: 2004 with Kerry and Nader.

  11. Yea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

    My thoughts exactly. This is the time baby! Tell the USA that they are corrupt and we will not stand for it anymore.


    Until more people vote that way there will never be anyone taken seriously. The way I look at it is if enough people are ticked off and vote independent then they will see that the country is wanting real change.

    Barr 2008

  12. There's no reason NOT to vote indepedent.  Unless you're in one of the massive nationwide herds that are letting ideology take authority over reason and objectivity.

  13. Like it or not one of those 2 is going to get elected.  I still believe that if you really want to support a third party candidate then you should.  

    We know they wont get elected into the position. but donw the road maybe it will help the third party.

    What people need to do is vote in local and state elections for good third party candidates if you really want to promote that.  People ignore the more local elections and only seem to bother with the national elections, in which 3rd party people stand little to no chance of making any headway.

    You need to increase the presence of a 3rd choice from the ground up.

  14. becuase we cannot afford obama, and unfortunately noone knows enough about the Libertarian candidates to put faith for control of the country in thier hands at this stage in the game.

    I like Bob Barr. i really do. but i REALLY dont like Obama and barr wouldnt stand a chance

  15. Vote however you want to. Do not let anyone tell you you are throwing away your vote.

  16. the independent party is a joke. they take votes away from the only viable candidates. that is why i don't vote independent.  

  17. While I like Bob Barr, I sure wish Ron Paul was running. Lucky for McCain he's not!

  18. FYI -- Obama is a BAD choice, no matter what the bias media tells you. He has LESS experience than Palin!! She was GOVERNOR to 7000 people & fought corruption for a couple YEARS. He was only a senator -- and for a very shrot time before running for president. America cannot afford to have Obama leading the country. I don't care how much charisma he has. I'm not buying into it; We need a strong leader with experience when half the world is at war. All this "change" mumbo-jumbo is getting to me. He promises the world, and it's too good to be true..Government cannot take care of everything; And I don't want them to. I want to live my own life, thanks. GO McCain - Palin 08!

    I am a registered independent. I vote for republicans & deomcrats, too. Unfortunetely, there isn't an independent running. So the next best thing is McCain. Good luck with the voting process & think it through!

  19. Because it's a waste of a vote.

  20. who else is there?

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