
Why not you gave me reason .................?

by  |  earlier

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those who speak evil of juventus not understand anything football, we see this year the champions league




  1. Juventus is one of my favourite club.

  2. Juventus is a great club. I have to admit that even if it isn't one of my favorite. they just need to get used to the Calcio and the CL again, and soon, they'll be a huge threat. besides, I don't buy that whole "they paid the referees" thing. even if the club's owners did, it isn't the players's fault. I don't think they should be punished for that.

  3. You have more chance of finding Elvis alive

  4. You've more chance of getting an honest Italian politician.

  5. Juventus, Juventus, Juventus,Juventus, Juventus, Juventus,Juventus, Juventus, Juventus,Juventus, Juventus, Juventus,Juventus, Juventus, Juventus,Juventus, Juventus, Juventus,Juventus, Juventus, Juventus,Juventus, Juventus, Juventus,Juventus, Juventus, Juventus,Juventus, Juventus, Juventus,Juventus, Juventus, Juventus,Juventus, Juventus, Juventus,Juventus, Juventus, Juventus,Juventus, Juventus, Juventus,Juventus, Juventus, Juventus,Juventus, Juventus, Juventus,Juventus, Juventus, Juventus,Juventus, Juventus, Juventus,Juventus, Juventus, Juventus,Juventus, Juventus, Juventus. Woooooooooooooah!!!!!!!!!!!

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