
Why oh Why does this happen?

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Why do christians try to disprove evolution be saying our evidence is full of holes or non-existant when all they go by is a book written 2000 years ago by the same people that thought there were dragons???

and where there is no living person alive today to testify to its truth...if our evidence is flimsy...there evidence goes down quiker than a thai hooker being offered a $100




  1. Dragons=Dinosaurs


  2. So is your position that there are people or other life forms today who are proof of evolution and can testify to its truth?

    Why is it easier to believe that humans were once an organism in a sea of slime or that fish changed to be birds?

    Come on, both evolution and creation require faith to believe. Christians just prefer to believe that they were created.

  3. people "believe" because they WANT/NEED to ...not because of rational reasons

  4. I totally agree.

    ...liked the line about going down quicker than a hooker given a hundred dollars...    It reads like it came straight out of a Mickey Spillane novel.


    I totally agree with ya, its like they don't even realize

      that the two go hand in hand. Evolution is undeniable.

    As r the reasons for the belief.

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