
Why on earth would any small business owner vote for Obama? ?

by Guest33357  |  earlier

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You would have to be nuts....He is planning on squashing small business....HUGE MISTAKE!




  1. They wouldn't.  His plans will totally break the back of the small business owner, and, like the other poster said, will probably have to go on welfare.  That's Obama's plan, isn't it?  Government control of every aspect of life and wealth-redistribution.

  2. The only answer is brain damage.

  3. They're planning to go on welfare. There's no reward for working hard any more.

  4. I agree and I'm one of those who happen to fall into that category, being a small business owner.  We employ people who have family to take care of, who are dependent on their paychecks and as it is now, we're taxed to death and back.

    If my taxes go up, I will begin laying off, I'll have no other choice.  

    There you go, Obama economics, hard at work and slicing the throats of the largest employers of the U.S.A., the small business owner.

  5. But MSNBC and The Communist News Network (CNN) both said that he won't raise taxes and that he will make the world the perfect place to live - so it must be true


    Just some of what defines Barack Obama:

    * He voted against banning partial birth abortion.

    * Does not want to recognize the rights of survivors of abortion.

    * In 2001 he questioned harsh penalties for drug dealing. Says he will deal with street level drug dealing as minimum wage affair.

    * His religious convictions are very murky.

    * He is willing to meet with Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez, Kim Jung Il and Mahmoud Ahmad inejad.

    * Opposed the Patriot Act.

    * Voted No on prohibiting law suits against gun manufacturers.

    * Supports universal health-care.

    * Voted yes on providing habeas corpus for Guantanamo detainees.

    * Supports granting driver's licenses to illegal immigrants.

    * Supports extending welfare to illegal immigrants.

    * Voted yes on comprehensive immigration reform.

    * Voted yes on allowing illegal aliens to participate in Social Security.

    * Voted with Democratic Party 96 percent of 251 votes.

    * Is a big believer in the separation of church and state. Nowhere in the Consitution does it say that Church and State are to be separate! This has been politicized by the left for years.

    * He voted No on repealing the Alternative Minimum Tax

    * He voted No on repealing the "Death" Tax

    * He wants to raise the Capital Gains Tax.

    * Has repeatedly said the surge in Iraq has not succeeded. Only recently, did he admit that it has.

    * He is ranked as the most liberal Senator in the Senate today, and that takes some doing. By way of comparison, he’s ranked #1 and Hillary Clinton is ranked #16.

  6. And if you work for a small business owner, look out. Your job may be in jeopardy for those very reasons.

  7. Its not just a huge mistake, voting for someone like Obama is treason to the very ideals that made this country great.  The man is third world and that's what he expects to make the U.S.  Let's just hope that if he gets elected that after four years of Son Of Jimmy Carter we get the second coming of Reagan.

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