
Why on the news tonight was prince charles wearing a spring onion on his jacket, what was it symbolising.?

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Why on the news tonight was prince charles wearing a spring onion on his jacket, what was it symbolising.?




  1. As Bunches says, it was a leek , and as it is St. David's Day today and he happens to be the patron saint of Wales, and as the leek is the national wotsit of Wales....and Prince Charles is the Prince of Wales....well, there is your answer...he was showing respect for the Welsh.

  2. haha u pillock, it was a leek ! symbol 4 wales, as in he is the prince of wales !!  xx

  3. He was showing off his 'green' credentials....why s**t up the world with aerosol deodorants when you can mask the smell of body odor with an onion...

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