
Why one must believe in GOD,when all the religions are fake and their believers are cheaters?

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Why one must believe in GOD,when all the religions are fake and their believers are cheaters?




  1. If you believe in yourself and have strong faith in God there is no chance for you to give up your faith to God.  A lack of faith in  a Creator has caused many to become skeptical that the inhabitants of the earth move  in a Master plan. I would help restore that faith.

    Wothout faith life would be pointless and dreary, filled with constatnt agitations disturbing one's peace of mind, for the essence of faith is confidence and trust.

    Thanks for asking. Have a great day!

  2. You don't have to believe in God. You have an inner guidance system within you that is all you need.

  3. When all are not their self, then there shall be no humans to need hope.


    This book is about philosophy, without, however, being a philosophy book. I did not even wish to continue the line of traditional philosophy. Indeed, I am convinced that it is impossible for anyone to do so today.

    The meaning of philosophy is deeply linked to reconciliation. And reconciliation to the world as it is today is no longer possible. Living unreconciled opens the way for rejection. Yet, rejection can never carry out what it implicitly requests: a thorough transformation of life. Without the element of the general, rejection is doomed to certain failure. Only philosophy has been able to develop that generality. On the other hand, mere philosophical knowledge of how to grasp the whole, dies the moment it is faced with a world to which reconciliation is impossible. Today, then, we can neither reject the way we live, nor reconcile ourselves to it. In this book, I confront the two so that they mutually illuminate each other with the hope that, in their combined light we can see our path into the future. ...

    Nature engenders nature, and nature only, in its reproduction and in its life. The rose brings forth more roses, never anything ‘unnatural’ or ‘unrose-like’. The human being creates humanity, but with this difference: what is human can at the same time be either ‘human’ or ‘inhuman’. The results of human action range from creations which fill our hearts and souls with lasting strength and delight, to crimes whose shame no atonement can wipe off the face of the earth.'

    'Ute Bublitz (1998)

    Beyond Philosophy

    Reconciliation and Rejection

    Three Essays on Aristotle and Hegel


  4. I would ask you: Who says one must believe in God?

    I know it isn't PC with alot of people, but so what?

    my site, Thank you

  5. Whether you believe in GOD or not is beside the point.  There is good and evil in this world.  what makes people lean towards light while others lean towards dark?  thats the million dollar question.  Is it hereditary or is it environment that makes a person who they become in adulthood?  God does exist just as Satan exists and there is a constant power struggle between them and humans are just their pawns.  Have you ever considered that maybe there are angels and demons that walk among us invisible to the human eye who influence what we think, feel and do?  Have you ever heard of Anne Frank?  what makes some people  go out of their way risking death to help strangers while others create things like concentration camps and enforce policy  knowing that it will kill millions?  Nobody is FORCED to follow orders or to go along with what others say.  Thats an excuse so they can live with themselves later.  there are ALWAYS options the question is are you strong enough to be a person of light?  In my opinion the people of dark are the stupid and the weak.

  6. We are real children of God and therfefore, we should try to meet God without help from religious people and from others.  God never desires a middle man to talk to Him.

  7. GOD did not form a particular religion.When we believe in God we trust in Him and have much confidence in life.Religion and its rules are a path towards God for a moral life which helps us to attain our Goal.

    Beware of Dogs,Fake and Cheats.

  8. Who said that religions is God? God is God... Religions is "about" God, far from God itself whom is still unknown....religion is an attempt to portrait unconditional God out of  conditions created and imposed on people by social structure called Religion.

  9. People being sinners should not affect your belief in God.  Religion is bad but God is good.  God in His mercy sent us a savior, His son, the Lord Jesus Christ.  We need a personal relationship with Him.  There are some good churches left but they are few and far between.  Pray that God will direct you to one.  Try reading the Bible, God's word, for answers.  I recommend starting in the New Testament, Gospel of Mark; then Romans.  

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