
Why one week not only 4 days ? How nice if one month got only two weeks ?

by Guest67167  |  earlier

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Always heard that the day is too long ! When can go off from office/work place much earlier ?

When is salary day ? Not enough money to spend within one week of getting salary !

Can you imagine how wonderful/marvellous if there are only Monday n Tuesday then Saturday n Sunday ? Two weeks later got gaji [ pay ] again ! Woow ! Soo many things can buy n shop o !

Why our great-great ancestor set the day / week / month / year in such a completely not very human being friendly type ? Arrrghhhh !




  1. u mean i shud be 54 now?


  2. don't know lah

  3. don't want!!!!!!!

    then i 1 week only can sleep 1 day lor!!!!!!!

  4. Hey, if a month has 2 weeks, u salary will be divided by 2, duh!

    no different...Aiya~

  5. Our present concept is governed by the revolution of the earth ariund the sun and of the earth own spinng.   hese are fixed and does not change can give 2 weeks to a month, in which case there will 24 months in a year want a semmingly shorter day of 12 hours instead of 24 ? Then there will be 60 days in a month... You want 4 days in a week - so there will be 91 weeks in a year instead of 52.... one day is 1 day, one week is 1 week and one year is 1 year ...the time for doing something is the same, whatever you choose to call that preiod of time...

  6. If you are born in the mouth of golden spoons then you can enjoy luxurious life provided by your super rich parents.

    If the answer is NIL, probably having to cherish your sweet dreams  in your daily life.

  7. Monday, Tuesday, Saturday, Sunday ? But I like Friday...

  8. I would find other things to spend my extra money on

    - hehe -

  9. yes  

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