
Why only ghost are able to get free food today how about those homeless people and beggars ?

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Today is Ghost Festival i see a lot of Chinese offering food to ghost, and the food is better compare to CNY




  1. because that is a festival to feed the hungry ghost

  2. yes agree with white do..its better don't say anything with what they believe, and chinese people also have a society for homeless people and beggars

  3. lets la pow the food together2..then we make parttttttttyyyyyyyyy out of it..hehehe

    hy jedi! ;p

  4. Cuz it's the thousand year old tradition.

    Same as why some Churches, Mosques, and Temples are so big the money can actually give it to the poor....


    Hey actually I agree with Benson. I saw some priest drive big Benz in KL u know. Not to say I'm against Christianity or what, but even if the church buy for the priest also no need to buy Benz ma...

    I know some monks also very rich one......

    And also I meant, save the money to build BIG worship place, use the money to give to the poor. I once saw a church in Jakarta using very very expensive music instruments. I was stunned.

  5. because afraid of the hungry ghost come to disturb so have to offer good food , as for the poor and the needy ,they can go to the welfare home or some temple to have free meal.

    PS : I don't think the priest or Nun earn that little , I saw some of them driving Mercedes or BMW.

  6. It is at least the same as "why nobody helps an accident victim on the street?"

    It is simple and has to do with tradition and culture:

    To touch somebody who has an accident can cause bad luck, as it must have had a reason for this accident (usually a bad ghost/demon). And the chance, that the ghost "jumps" to the next and bringing bad luck to that next person is given.

    Same it is with the pour people. It has a reason that they are pour and maybe there is a ghost involved. And this ghost should not jump over, what can happen.

    On the other hand the food for the ghosts is needed to be given, as this can make the ghosts calming down and not to bring bad luck.

    But this ghosts are not ghosts as we westerners understand. It is more difficult and not easy to understand.

    It starts already with the spirit houses or ghost houses. Sometimes it is neccessary to have one, sometimes it´s better, not to have one (because if made wrong or for nothing can cause bad luck, too)

  7. Yeah,, it a very good point you bring up there, anyway, let them do what they are doing,, we should not say anything about peoples religion and beliefs, perhaps they have a logical explanation behind it, ex(poor people get to eat the food that they give ghost or dog /birds get to eat night times)

    If you worry, you should become the transition point, feed at least one person a day, or share your food with poor, (i practise what i say) we shud stop blaming or pointing others,

    and the world will become a better place.

    edit,- alamak, i know u din blame em',, i said 'we' mah,, so it means generally lor,,

    Hungry ghost enter my brain liao.

  8. MYTHS

  9. i get your question..but some chinese may not accept you question openly..but what you have said does have some logic to it. Its their believes my friend. We have no say.

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