
Why only poor people come to govt. hospitals in Delhi ?

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what can a professional medical social worker do for them ?




  1. because they do like the doctors who sleep while working like themselves.

  2. Yes this is true ....The reason is that Treatment in Govt hospital is not expensive in comparison to Private hospitals.But this does not mean that govt hospitals are not good.Well the treatment in Private hospital includes luxury accommodation along with medical treatment so its natural that it will be expensive.What I believe is that in every society haves & haves not always exists this is natural.

  3. I can not wait at GH. I go to private. I have no time to waste.

  4. They have to otherwise there is no way for them. They cannot afford medicare in private hospitals.which is prohibitively costly.

  5. Poor people are wiser than the people having means. So they prefer Govt. medical facilities. In Govt. medicals, a patient can be attended by several medical practitioners. The poor man has a scope to utilise so many expert's brain in one surrounding. There are instances, the dieses is diagonised by a young hand where, others had failed or lost hope of survival. The private hospitals on the other hand are profit making establishments. The mode of diagnosis being the same in both the cases, they, only offer a better comfort for the indoor patient at an exorebitant cost.

  6. I just wonder WHY??

  7. The main reason is poor medical facilities.

    Rich can afford private Hospitals, and they have good mediclaim policies and so they never go to govt. hospitals.

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