I'm an adoptee, twice over. I was adopted age 6 months, after my parents died, but something happened and I was sent back to the foster care homes, and adopted again when I was 4 1/2.
I have no borth parents to compare it with, but I do have the people that originally adopted me.
What I want to know is, why do people want 'open' adoptions? The concept to me is just bizzare.
From the Bmothers point of view, if you don;t want to care for, lok after, or have a relationship with your child, why all the fuss about being in contact and having a relationship with them?
As for the Amother, why would you want your child to have a relationship with someone that's already rejected that, rejected the chance to bring the baby up.
From my point of view, my first Aparents gave up any right to have contact with me when they gave me up. They gave up any rights to a relationship when they didn't want to look after me anymore.