
Why or how does deforestation cause global warming???

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Why or how does deforestation cause global warming???




  1. It doesn't...the sun is in a hot cycle will reverse itself always does.

  2. It causes erosion of soil and vegetation. That causes deserts. That causes global warming.

  3. The trees absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen for us to breath. They also simply shade the earth.

    You can prove it yourself by trying this simple experiment

    Go to an area on a hot summer day where there is both a forest and an area that has had all the trees removed. When you stand in the forest, in the shade of the trees, you can notice that it's considerably cooler than in the area that has no trees. Go ahead. Take an outdoor thermometer to prove it.

    You also notice its very uncomfortable to stay in the area where there is no shade and you'll probably get a bad sunburn. It's as simple as that.

    Now multiply your experiment with all the land that has been deforested and replaced with pavement, parking lots, and buildings and what do you have???  Yep, Global Warming.

    The pollution produced by all the cars and factories and other buildings is also not helping and produces what???  Yep!!! More global warming!!!

    save the world, plant some trees.

  4. not completely sure but trees absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen, so cutting down trees would stop carbon dioxide from being absorbed and there would be more out there

    thats y they say "a large amount of CO2"

  5. Here is an article that you might find interesting.

  6. I don't know, sounds silly to me.

  7. thats a myth just like global warming back in the 80's they said we would be out of oil and in an ice age by now

  8. I tink everybody has done a good job of giving an explanation, but I'll add one more:

    People and animals =inhale oxygen and exhale CO2

    Trees = absorb CO2 and release oxygen

    The fewer trees lead to more CO2 in the air, but all green plants absorb CO2, not just trees.

  9. less plants means less photosynthesis and photosynthesis is key in converting co2 carbon dioxide into o2 oxygen so its basically taking away the things that reduce carbon dioxide which is a greenhouse gas,

    more co2 =bigger ozone hole

  10. Deforestation allows for more food to be grown.  How else will the world feed and support African nations?

  11. because trees act as a blanket to moderate surface temperatures, plus they take in more carbon as they grow more massive it is locked up in their cellular structure

  12. Trees and other plants take CO2 out of the air.  They use the carbon as the basic building block for the plant--wokd, roots, etc.  The oxygen is released into the air.  When the trees are cut down, two things happen. First, obviously, they are no longer taking CO2 out of the air.  Second--and often more important, if the wood or other plant material is burned or decomposes, the Carbon recombines with oxygen and is released as CO2 into the atmosphere  The net result of all this is to raise the CO2 levels, contributing to the greenhouseeffect and hence to global warming.

    The reason why this is significant is the scale of defrorestation. We are losing tens of thousands of square miles of forest worldwide every year to logging, shifting forest land to agriculture, etc.

  13. plants breath in co2 and breath out oxygen

    co2 from air polution is burning holes in our ozone layer alowing more intense UV rays to hit the planet. hence warmr climate

    less trees = more CO2

  14. the main reason is of course less fotosintesis. but that is not the only jstification. tree absorbed most of the light energy from the sun. this insure that the energy does not acumulate as heat in the atmosfere. it also helps maintain a healty ballance of water vapour in the air and amount of water contain in the ground. this control the invironment by a healty water cycle on the ground and air. if any disturbance or changes occure the change in air pressure will invite things such as huracane and tornados. this is how the ecosystem works. as you can see today the global warming does not mean that it will be warmer but an unpredictable change in climate and disaster all together and even cooling in some part of the world.

  15. Deforestation is eliminating the forests that clean our air and regulate the temperature. Without it, the greenhouse gases build up, eating holes in the ozone layer that protects the earth, increasing the amount of harmful sun rays that enter through, which increases the earth's temperature. Even a little bit increase has drastic effects. Plus, when people deforest, it is generally to build factories and buildings that pollute the air even more.

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