
Why or why don't you use reusable shopping bags?

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I'm working on a reseach paper Your input would be great




  1. bcuz i would never spend $20 or wutever it is on a bag when they just give you grocery bags for freee

  2. Reusable, as in the ones they sell for a couple bucks?   I reuse the plastic ones they give me when I'm not fast enough to tell them I don't need or want one.   I usually carry a backpack to stuff things into (after paying) if the store will allow it.

  3. Because the plastic ones are perfect for holding yukky garbage that would leak through paper or cloth.  If I didn't have the shopping bags to reuse, I would have to buy plastic bags instead.

  4. Sometimes I buy the reusable cloth shopping bags, but I don't usually use them for shopping,  I use them for days when I have errands to run and may end up with a few things to tote around and don't feel like messing with my back pack--I guess you could say I use them for tote bags.

    When I go shopping, I switch back and forth between paper and plastic.  I use paper for my recycables, or donate the paper bags to the preschool where I work,      and the plastic ones for lining our small trash cans. (p.s. some stores sell store brand  reusable bags for real cheap, like a dollar; those are usually the ones I buy)

  5. dont use them because it makes no difference, they say it is to help the environment but there is no environment to help, we have the landfill space to last another billion years and landfills aren't bad for the environment(the golf courses they put over top of the landfills afterwards are worse for the environment)

    dont buy into all that eco-****

  6. I do it, and it's a great habit to get into, and one more stores should encourage.  It saves them money.  The bags I use are sturdy, and I can wash them every now and then so I'm not adding to landfills.  They don't blow away and end up in waterways or in trees.

    I think more people would do this if encouraged.  It can be great advertising for a store.  A lot of people aren't terribly organized, and forget to put them back in the car, or bring them in the store and then say "never mind" instead of going out to get them!  But even using them when you remember is a good step.  The more you use them, the more you're likely to remember.  If stores keep prices of reusable bags affordable, or give them free for Earth Day, Mother's Day, etc., shoppers will use them.

    We use ours for camping, too.

    Good luck on your paper.

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