
Why others say smokers litter?

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someone who means to be sincere told me that she thinks smokers are inconsiderate. she told me that even way off the beaten track in the woods she's likely to find cigarette butts. she told me that smokers expect that their mother or someone will magically pick up all their tossed cigarette butts and dispose of them so their toxic fibers don't kill wildlife. yet for all the time i know her i haven't tossed a single cigarette butt anywhere, except for a time the car ashtray was full and we were on a busy highway anyway. what gives - we're as clean as anyone!




  1. well some smokers are vary inconsiderate and mean they even get crazy if you ask them to not smoke in front of you..I myself am allergic to ciggarets yes its possible I'm allergic, I cant be around them or Ill get sick..I just ended a so called friednship with a so called friend becasue he kept smoking around me and was really inconsiderate of my feelings..I think the world would be a cleaner place without cigarette smokers..realistically I stay away from them, maybe you or me or someone should start an organization to help clean those cigarett buts up off the world ..why make animals and others suffer..FOR ALL THE SMOKERS ..deep down inside you know I'm being honest and its true...

  2. i cant stand cigarettes

    but smokers do litter by throwing them on the ground and stuff

    but i don't think it would harm wildlife

  3. Then how do you explain all the cigarette buds on the sidewalks and such?

    Not all smokers throw them on the ground but there's no doubting many do.

  4. You  may be the exception but cigarette butts are all over streets and by our bus stops.  Not to mention our parks and beaches are one big ash tray.  All smokers pollute the air with many toxins and are legal drug addicts because they can's stop smoking.  

    "Dolphins can die by swallowing cigarette butts, plastic bags or starve to death by having their rostrums (snouts) caught in plastic beer rings, so we ask everyone to help with picking up any rubbish they see and educate any one you see littering."

    "In the waterways and oceans of our earth, fish and marine life spend most of their time in search of food. What happens if a turtle swallows a cigarette butt? If the witch's brew of chemical toxins from the filter doesn't kill it within a few hours, the non-biodegradable cellulose filter will as it most likely settles in the stomach, blocking the digestive system. Turtles who ingest the butts will feel "full," because the butts won't dissolve or pass through the tiny stomach. The turtle will stop eating, and actually die of starvation, with a stomach "full" with the bulk of that cigarette butt. But the damage doesn't stop there. Upon the turtle's death and decomposition the butt (or fragments thereof) is released back into the environment to be consumed by the next hungry organism, creating a pernicious cycle of death until the persistent polymer and cellulose acetate materials finally break down, up to a decade later. Victims of cigarette butt-induced death span a broad range of species, from bottom or mud dwelling organisms and fish to sea birds and marine mammals."

  5. its the filter thats the problem..they are made of fiberglass and take a while to break down.

    But lets look at hypocracy for a minute.

    When they held the first earthday in central park.

    everybody was screaming about polution and trees ect

    After the crowd despersed it took the parks crew 5 hours to pick up all of the trash that they had dropped

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