
Why our country doesn't encourage and promote more seriously ALL sports to ALL Turkish children ?

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Ok, we got more prestige in football and basketball, and we do have some great champions in "strength" sports such as wrestling,weightlifting,boxing,etc.

But something I can't understand is that we have not enough young people practicing all disciplines, and that's why we haven't, right now, more champions in every kind of sports.

We have the potential, but despite of having a 70 million population, we don't have as much presence and success as France, which is 60 million.

And I think the most amazing country is certainly Cuba, since this only 11,5 million population "poor and little" country has an impressive delegation of 168 athletes in the Beiing Olympic Games, while we Turks have only 66 athletes ( in just a few disciplines)

So, my question is : Since we even have a national 'Children and Sport " Bayram, why our governement and all the federations don't start a real sports program for the whole country, in each every single city, for preparing the champions of tomorrow ?...

What do you think ?




  1. You are so right.

    Why don't we have sports complexes, swimming pools in every neighborhood? Even green parks where children can run freely?

    Think of all the wasted talent!

    PS. I WOULD support Konya girls playing ice-hockey! :) Or figure skate, if their choice is this. Ice-hockey is brutal!

  2. You don't seriously want the girls from Konya playing ice hockey, do you...

    Cuba is a Communist country and they support sports because of ideological reasons.

    But you are right of course. It should be done more.

  3. i couldnt agree with you more

  4. Ahmet ve Alana,

    Taxim belediyesi baskanı bana sizleyi evlendiyme göyevi veydi.

    biybiyinizi seviyoy musunuz?  

  5. You are so right!!  And the way things are going it will only get worse. Turkey who does have a top football is now working on damaging that as well. The Turkish football federation is now talking about raising the age limit for your youth teams. They are about to cancel your u10 and u 12 groups, which will hurt Turkey's football as well in 6 years.

    To become good at any sport training must start at a young age, Please e-mail the football federation and tell them you want the u12 and u 10  leagues to continue.

    PLease e-mail here

  6. It is sad indeed.

    I believe the problem is being an athlete is not a respected profession in Turkey.You can hear a mother speak of his son "my boy will be a doctor one day,he'll be an engineer one day" etc.. But i have never heard anyone saying "my daughter will be a big athlete someday" .

    Kids should be encouraged to be professionals on athleticism. Not to be in teams during the school and to quit when they graduate and have a "real" job.It should be told and provided from early ages on that they are talented and that they could consider being an athlete as a profession and that it will pay good enough to make a living.

    Otherwise they will have to listen to their mothers and try to be a doctor,while playing basketball in their free time.

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