
Why our nightly routine is not working?

by Guest62464  |  earlier

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I have an 8 month old baby girl. I have been trying to create a routine for her bed time, but lately nothing works. I am trying to massage her, but she crawls away. I feed her when humming songs, she wants to get up and play. Her nap times became very irregular. She falls asleep easily in my arms, but as soon as she is in the crib, she wakes up, stands up. The more I try to soothe her, the more active she becomes. She is very attached to me. She doesn't know how to go back to sleep and soothe herself. I want to give her a chance to do that, but she cries so hard sometimes, even I can't make her go to sleep because she becomes very cranky. I need advice. Thanks in advance.




  1. well its not a routine, since you are changing in up....try bath, bottle, story or song, then lay her down. sit with her if you have too, but do that every night...try not to pick her up and let her fall asleep in your arms.. hard habit to break.

  2. It takes them a bit to learn the routine. Give her a few weeks to become familiar with it but be consistent. Do the exact same thing, in the same order, each night until she is familiar with the night routine. BUT that alone will not break her from rocking her. You will have to give her an opportunity to soothe herself without your help. There's a lot of different ways to do it. One is to let her cry it out (for night sleep you let them cry until she is out and don't pick her up) or you could have a set amount of time you will let her cry before you check and reassure her. If you do reassure her- just tell her you love her, go to sleep and don't pick her up. OR you could have a set amount of time for her to cry, if she goes beyond that time- go in pick her up and soothe her- this method tends to teach them just to cry to that set time before mom comes in. She's 8 months so she probably should be able to do it on her own... just give her the chance and use whatever method is best for the both of you and whatever you feel comfortable with. Do some research on different sleep training methods... there's a ton.

    Best of luck

  3. She may be teething ! Wash your hands then gently feel her gums foe hard spots. Even if they don't show yet, they may hurt like h**l ! If so, get some baby Orajel or something like that . Good luck. I also agree with the last person. DON'T pick her up ! She will NEVER learn to self-sooth, if you don't give her a chance to . You can comfort her WITHOUT picking her up . Stroke her little face and head, read, sing , whatever. Just don't pick her up during those tantrums .  

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