
Why our school doesn`t provide a sports-activity like <span title="(Swimming;hand-ball,volley-ball)instead">(Swimming;hand-ball,volle...</span> the field trip?

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Why our school doesn`t provide a sports-activity like (Swimming;hand-ball,volle... the field trip?




  1. Alot of schools don&#039;t have sufficient funding to have those team.  Usually when budgets don&#039;t pass school sports are the first to go.  fortunately it has never happened at my school, but I know people from other schools that have had their sports cut.  Maybe if you guys could raise enough money you could start a sports team.

  2. You go to a public school.

  3. i am from argentina

    out here most of schools don&#039;t provide those sports :(

    i&#039;d like them to, but they don&#039;t....

    good luck!!!!

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