
Why ox liver cures night blindness and why cod liver oil and sunshine can help to cure rickets?

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Why ox liver cures night blindness and why cod liver oil and sunshine can help to cure rickets?




  1. Vitamins.

  2. I can't speak to the ox, but mammalian livers are rich in vitamin A, a necessary ingredient for night vision.

    The ultraviolet rays in sunshine penetrate the skin for a few millimeters and lead to the body producing Vitamin D. Cod liver oil is also high in vitamin D.  Lack of vitamin D in childhood leads to an abnormal growth of the ends of the bones, a condition known as rickets.

  3. Essential vitamins like Vitamin A, B6, B12, Omega 3 and Omega 6, Sunshine helps our body produce Vitamin D which in turn helps your body absorb all other nutrients and essential vitamins listed above.

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