
Why paranormal/extraordinary events can not be recorded in a way that they cannot be disbelieved or opposed???

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Why paranormal/extraordinary events can not be recorded in a way that they cannot be disbelieved or opposed???




  1. You don't believe anything you see or are told unless you experience it yourself.

    - Then you doub't what you've seen - and often ask the person bnext to you "Did you see that"

    If they say yes - you believe it.

    If they say no - you think it was your imagination!

    Recording anything is open to fakes.

  2. I think there had been recorded proof, such as video, EVPs,  and photos. But until a person is ready TO believe, they won't. No matter what kind of proof or evidence you can present them. If they would open thier minds to it, they may actually see it.

  3. Our senses, and the scientific method, are not infallible. They provide enough information to keep us alive and mostly healthy. Some things are outside the capabilities of our senses, and when we do catch a glimpse (ghosts, for instance), it's a non-repeatable phenomena. That doesn't mean it didn't happen, but how to test it? 20 different hypothesis to test the event might all be the wrong approach. Frustrating, but humans like a challenge. Patience and persistence may soon pay off. DON'T GIVE UP!

  4. Unfortunately, there is no way to record such an event and produce a recording that is beyond dispute. It's very easy to modify photos, videos and sound recordings and very hard to prove that you didn't. The more witnesses that are present to witness the event that can corroborate the documentation, the more compelling the documentation will be. This won't make it beyond dispute, but in science nothing is beyond dispute anyway.

  5. The simplest explanation is this.They can not be recorded, because they do not occur.

  6. Although different fields of interest, you can add Paranormal to UFO's, Lake monsters, Atlantis and so on. All waiting for that proverbial "smoking gun"...........the indisputable evidence. And yet the few factual evidence we have discovered, become so exposed to hypothesis and speculation, they are denigrated to urban legend.

       Coral Castle in Florida...................a lone man built a home that by physics alone, was impossible.

       The "screaming crystal skull", discovered in Mexico in the 1920's................perfectly cut yet totally impossible for any existing technology then and even today a challenge to reproduce.

        The "gold sewing needle", now long lost, discovered embedded inside a piece of common coal. And so on.

         All of these have been relegated to a style of myth.

         How can one expect to physically capture anything that has no substance and that will be the only way to prove the existence of a spiritual dimension.

         And this will not happen.

  7. Thus far if anyone has found a way it hasn't made it into the mainstream body of human knowledge.  My personal thought is that though a means has either, 1]  not been found, or 2]  hasn't become public, doesn't mean it can't, won't happen.

    In fact, I suspect the methods are well within human capabilities.

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