
Why part of Kosovar people want a New Albanian State?

by Guest10738  |  earlier

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They don't recognise the state in which they live and work ( SR Serbia):

- refusal to serve in the army

- non-participation in the elections

- non-payment of all state taxes and duties

- the establishment of "parallel schools", exclusively for the members of the Albanian national minority

It represents a violation of the provision 37 of the Final Document of the 2nd Meeting of the Conference on Human Dimension of the OSCE (Copenhagen, 1990), and of the Para.9 of the Preamble, of the articles 20 and 21 of the Framework Convention of the Council of Europe on the Protection of National Minorities.

At the same time, the Albanian minority uses all the benefits given by the state and the system they do not recognize, but which are suitable for them:

- health insurance

- employments in public and private sectors

- all rights in the field of information

- passports

- vaccination of the population, etc.

Don't you think, they are asking too much ?




  1. It's their weird understanding of democracy, as I said before.

    Look at their answers. According to Captain A, everyone who is against independent Kosovo is n**i. Is there any albanian opposition? Someone who have different opinion about this matter? Who can be honest and admit that there are no human rights for non-Albanians on Kosovo today. Find me any so that we can discuss about democratic rule. Honesty can't be cloned as accounts on yahoo, I guess.

    PS I am not sure who are "Kosovar people", since you have Serbs and Albanians and others from Kosovo, and Kosovo is (still) part of Serbia. There is no "Kosovar" nation, although that doesn't mean that they will not try to create it in 21. century, same as "Bosniacs" in Bosnia. So after 100 or 200 years, ignorant people may use ignorant arguments such as: they are Kosovar/Bosniac people, therefore Kosovo/Bosnia belongs to them.

  2. Because it is the only way for them to prevent from what took place in 1999. Every promise that has come from Belgrade has been a lie. The autonomy currently offered by Serbia was in place once during the Tito years but was scraped by Milosevic, that can very well take place again if Kosovo and Serbia share the same flag.

    They recognize Serbia as their northern neighbors.

    Why should they serve in the same army that once tried to annihilate them seven years ago?

    They participate in elections, how do you think they elected Ceku? Serbian politics are none of the Kosovar's business, just as Kosovar politics are none of Serbia's business.

    Serbia provides no kind of services for the Kosovar people all is done through the U.N. Serbia deserves no taxes.

    The Albanians are majority in Kosovo last I checked, and there will be an establishment of "parallel schools", exclusively for the members of the Serbia national minority.

    It is nice to see that you have done your research in what laws the independence of Kosovo infringes upon and irratates but if look back at the events that brought Kosovo to where it is today you will see that hundreds more laws have broken by the criminal regime of Milosevic. Sometimes you need to demolish a home to build a new one.

    Most Kosovars have U.N. passports. All the services that you claim Kosovars use are provided by Kosovars under the U.N using foreign aid and domestic resources. Serbia role is nonexistant and minimal.

    Don't you think, they are asking too much ? Not at all!



  3. it's not a wish vikice , listen what mika is saying , it's reality that is building from all Albanians all over the world .we are growing nation and it just happened you're on our way . so , move on and you'll not getting hurt , otherwise  hehe ...

  4. Speaking of technical perfection, Serbia has not provided voting lists of Kosovo Albanians, so looking at the whole picture, we shall put aside the birocratical gameplay.

    In the world of applied politics, treaties are irrelevant. They are subject to manipulation and selfinterpretation.

    The Albanians living in Kosovo want independence because they are backed up by an evil force called NATO, being their natural desire to live in a homogeneous group, just like any other nation. The only problem in this case is that instead of going to Albania which is homeland of their ethnic group or sharing the territory with the Serbs under ideal conditions a legal minority could be given anywhere, they want to detach a Serbian territory from the Serbs.

    They are doing this because USA, feeling too strong at this historical moment, has put itself above international conventions and treaties.

    The Russians are getting stronger. The Chinese have not forgotten the humiliation by USA. Justice is returning to the world :)

  5. Because they though hat thet can get away witrh it!But as our Church says arrogance goes vbefore vthe fall and the Albanians are getting too arogant for theur own good.But one day they will have their comeuponance amd they will lose every teritory which doesn't belong to them (Kossovo and Northern Epirus). Justice will prevail as it has prevailed in the Second World War

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