
Why passenger aircraft flying 33000feet?

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Why passenger aircraft flying 33000feet?




  1. NE odd SW even.  Neoddsweven.  360 degrees through 179 degrees the airplane will cruise at an odd altitude (ex 33,000 feet).  180 degrees through 359 degrees would be an even altitude (ex. 34,000 feet).  ATC can assign a "wrong way" altitude.  42,000 is not usable "usually".then the direction changes every 2,000 feet.  ex.  43,000 west 45,000 east 47,000 west 49,000 east.

    Jet Aircraft are more efficient at higher altitudes.  Typically the mid to upper 30's produce the best true airspeed while using less fuel.

  2. The air is thinner and results in less fuel burn.  There is nothing new about this.  Jets have flown this high since they were built.

  3. The jet engines run more efficiently up in the higher altitude, and plus there is less air resistance up there

  4. Most passenger airliners provide the best fuel economy and performance at altitudes between 30,000 and 40,000 feet, so this is where airlines prefer to fly them.

    This comes from a combination of different factors that are dependent on altitude. For example, the higher an airliner flies, the less fuel it requires (because the air is thinner and provides less resistance), but the less power the engines produce (because they have less air with which to burn fuel).  At high altitudes, aircraft can fly faster with less thrust, but they also must fly faster to stay aloft. Still another factor is FAA regulations, which dictate the maximum amount of time an aircraft can take to descend to a safe altitude in the event of depressurization—this limits maximum altitude as well.  And so on.

    Large jets work best in the 30,000-40,000-foot range.  Small propeller airplanes work best at much lower altitudes, around 6000 feet or so.  The best altitude depends on what you want, too; in other words, the best altitude for fuel economy may not be exactly the same as the best altitude for performance (speed).

    Winds are a factor as well.  If the winds are blowing in the direction you are travelling at a certain altitude, you can get to your destination faster and with less fuel by climbing to that altitude and riding with the wind; if they are blowing against you, you use more fuel and you move more slowly over the ground, and the trip takes longer. At high altitudes there are often fast winds (jet streams) blowing in certain directions (usually east) that aircraft can take advantage of to fly faster in certain directions.

  5. to take advantage of higher jet stream speeds

  6. They fly at higher altitudes because the aircraft runs more efficiently. As well as at that altitude you are usually above the weather and it makes for a more comfortable flight for the passengers.

  7. Less air pressure means less air to have to fly through = more speed and less fuel used which saves airlines money

  8. To go without traffic from other kinds of plane because it is used to prevent accidents

  9. The air is thinner thus it creates less drag on wind resistance.

    Less drag = less fuel comsumed.

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