
Why people are pre-judging Naomi Cambell? Lets face it, the UK is well known for a very racist police force?

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Why people are pre-judging Naomi Cambell? Lets face it, the UK is well known for a very racist police force?




  1. Because she's known for being a very self-important and arrogant celebrity.

  2. And I suppose Ms Cambell hasn't got a racist bone in her body.

  3. She might have done it for attention to get in the tabloids? Some people can't live without other people's attention and not many people take any notice of her lately. Some people need to attention seek. If Kate Moss can get big deals after being a druggie, then I'm sure hitting people will get as much attention.

  4. There is no pre judging her. When is someone ever really going to hold her accountable? Even when she was doing community service she was hamming it up for the media and she shouldn't have been allowed. Black or white you can't go around acting the way she does and get away with it.

  5. The dirty little tart SPAT ! ! ! in someones face ! Police or not that is the lowest of the low. Spitting is cowardly and something you would expect from  a sewer rat. you can't blame the police, they are people too not just a uniform. It is prejudiced to class all who wear that uniform the same way. the woman should be put down. spitting is disgusting.

  6. I'm tired of her "Going to Jail Stories", what she did probably wasn't even news or jail worthy. Go figure.

  7. Don't smoke Crack!

  8. This arrest was due to Naomi's lack of class, character

    and manners of any sort. Please do not imply these

    tacky ways of hers apply to all African people.

    Naomi has been to court more than once in the US for

    throwing phones at her help. She has slapped a person

    in a hair salon and these are just a few that make it

    to the news rooms. So for you to imply racism is the

    issue you need to know the facts. Racism is ugly

    and should not exist nor should it be used to

    excuse Naomi's actions.

  9. Oh come on, give me a break. She was rude by spitting in a cops face and that's why she was arrested! Look at her record.

  10. Did you get the response you were looking for........................................

  11. She has priors for this type of behaviour, everyone knows she's a *****.

  12. She needs to get some help soon, or she's gonna find herself behind bars and insome very dodgy company.

  13. Naomi Campbell has a history of being violent to people, so it's not too hard to imagine her behaving badly again.  Everything doesn't have to be about race.  Sometimes it's just about being immature and irresponsible, like Naomi Campbell.

  14. Yes.She's a lovely girl,butter wouldn't melt in her mouth.not.

  15. Because she thinks being famous gives her the right to chuck mobile phones at people who are merely trying to help her.

    well it doesn't, she needs to go and get a life and stop acting like an animal - i thought she was a model?. . . perhaps she mixes the 2 up. .

    and i take it you don't come from the uk. . . . .

    because for your information you have insulted a rather large percentage of the 67 million people in britain.

  16. Naomi is a spoilt little madam.  Nothing to do with racism.  The silly little girl has a bad attitude problem and is renowed for throwing her toys out the pram when she doesn't get her own way.

    I hate when people like you always use the racism card, its pethetic.

  17. I beg your pardon?

  18. She is also well known for physically attacking people when she can't get her own way. I don't think racism is an issue here.

  19. and she is well known for violent outbursts

    i doubt the police were racist in arresting her

    i suppose the aircraft crew were racist for calling them in the first place

    perhaps you need to look elsewhere for the racist.....

  20. what are you being serious, she is a spoilt over inflated egomaniac who has already been in trouble countless times not just here in the UK, but in America where she did community service for throwing something at her maid oh yes you sure got her right..........

    as people here have pointed out it has nothing to do with race, and by the way do you actually live here and know the police force, ALL OF THEM.....

  21. have you not read about this woman before so stop defending her/its got nothing to do with the police but perhaps a big burly poliewoman could take her to a quite spot and straighten her out

  22. oh doesn't matter what country she's in,she's an arrogant cow wherever she is.and i don't agree with your comments about our police force either.don't get me started on the police force in the USA.

  23. Because she has a track record of acting like a f*cking idiot ?

    And "very racist police force" ? Are you basing this on more than one famous case in the last 30 years ?


  24. I cant see as race is an issue here, I'm sure the cabin crew did'nt call the police because they are racist's

  25. No it's not!! Who told you that ? it's rubbish! And Naomi Campbell? There's no pre judging to be done.... she's proved herself to be an ignorant little cow plenty of times.

    Dawn J... you read my mind!!

  26. Miss Campbell is noted for her violent temper, arrogance and general obnoxiousness. There is no pre-judgement going on since there were numerous witnesses to her behaviour.

  27. have you just landed on planet hearth after 50 years away?

    that woman is a nightmare, even if police was the most dispicable rascist in the world still you raise above , not speat in someone face as if you act like a animal as an animal you should be treated.

    Secondly, the police here is amazing want to see bad police?go to Italy.

  28. This person was ask to leave the aircraft by the flight captain after this person became aggressive.

    The captain has the right to say who travels on his aircraft on safety grounds, when this person refused to leave the aircraft the Police were called to escort this person from the flight.

    As to pre-judging this person its not the first time this person has allowed her out of control temper to get her into trouble.

  29. The same as teddy.

  30. And Naomi Campbell is well known for being "difficult" and a bit loopy. It's a pity she couldn't have been mislaid along with all the luggage !

  31. The Police Force is not racist. It just happens that those arousing suspicion are ,frequently, coloured. Naomi Cambell

    is  someone who thinks that her bad temper should be allowed because she is lovely to look at.

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