
Why people are so crazy about princess Diana?

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Risking to get a lot of thumbs down, I am asking this question, because I could never understand what was so special about princess Diana that people were (and still are) so psyched about her. She was not a role model - not a bright student in school, then also bulimic, depressed, with personality disorders, sleeping around a lot even before her divorce. Yeah, she did some charity, but all celebrities do that, it's not like it is something unheard of. She was not even pretty if that's one of the reasons to like her. Given her mediocre personality and life, why is she so revered?




  1. I can not say I either liked or disliked her.

    I didn't know her.

    She was just another celebrity nothing more. We only judge celebs by what the media portrays them to be. To know someone you need to share time and experience with them

    I agree that as are as I know she wasn't the nicest or people.

    I give you a star for you have made some very good points, Thank You

  2. She would do  anything for a bribe. She  married someone who was too short for her.  ??

  3. Because she had such a good relationship with the press. Really, people were falling in love with a part of the press, the part that devoted itself to Diana because she made them so much money. Diana herself? Hardly any knew her.

  4. Because she was a princess that the whole world thought of as someone you could just walk up and talk to...a real person.

    I'm an American, and I remember vividly watching the news at my lake cabin the weekend she died. I was horrified and could not believe what I was watching on the TV. I cried like a was if someone I knew very well had passed away.

    I know it sounds silly, but I miss her so much.

  5. She was young, smart and Beautiful. I think that she made an impact in peoples lives exspecially people that did not live a privilaged life, I think that people might have started doing  charity and Humanitarian work because she made an impression on them. She seemed like she cared about people and things that were going on in world now I am not saying that as people that we do not care about what goes on in the world because we do. She just brought to light a lot of other things that people in the media would talk about but then they would lose focus early on and simple drop the topic then put the spotlight on something else. I think also we all loved her fashion and we felt bad for her after Prince Charles came out and said that he was having an affair with the horse-faced Camilla Parker Bowles. I think that a lot of people who went through the same thing could relate to her. But the things that people adored were: she was young, beautiful, her fashion, her bulimia, her children, and her marriage to Prince Charles are why people were interested. By the way how do you know that she was not a bright student in school?

  6. itis the famous die young and become legends.....james dean, elvis, belluchi,etc.......maybe its ''what could have been''.if they lived..............

  7. I admit I don't really understand the Cult of Diana either. She was glamorous and because of that, many people think she must have been some sort of a saint when in actuality, she was not well educated and according to former husband Charles, no mental heavyweight either. It really was all style over substance.

  8. What other member of the royal family would visit people dying of Aids, hold their hands, and hold them?  Who else would visit mine fields where active mines are still located and where many innocent people have lost limbs and lives?  She connected with the common man and truly did become the People's Princess.  You are correct in that she had many shortcomings , but at the same time, they did not prevent her from becoming a wonderful mother whose children now continue her charitable works.  It's very rare that one person can make such an impression on the entire world.

  9. Diana was Royalty who was not ashamed to be around "commoners".  She had a genuine love for people and had a good heart; as answered before, she was the "people's princess"; regardless of her flaws. Most people in positions of power, such as Kings, Queens, Presidents and such, have the mentality that they are "above" the rest of us; they are too good to associate with us.  Diana broke that mold, she cared for people, hugged the homeless (not just for show), children with AIDS and displayed a kindness to everyone.  She was not a judge of people, but a servant of people... in my humble opinion, we need more leaders like her.  Chris

  10. She was a living Cinderella story of sorts. Not that she was impoverished or mistreated, but it was like a true to life fairy tale to see the kindergarten attendant become a princess.

  11. She was the people's princess.

    .... i'm with you sorta. I don't know how she became the people's princess... but she was, they loved her... she was elegant and a representation of the troubles that royalty have, but also the great good that they can do ?>.... i suppose?

  12. Thank you so much for writing this question.  I thank you because you are a female, apparently, and because you wrote with articulation and respect.  I agree with your assessment of Diana wholeheartedly.  I will also add that she did profound disservice to the United Kingdom by her very unprofessional, unladylike actions in public.  The smirks, looks of annoyance, etc., during public appearances were ridiculous for a woman of her age, for a person of any age above 16, actually.  She is worshiped, in my opinion by equally dull and boorish people.

  13. To me she was a breath of fresh air. Just look at all the royals before her. (Stuck up) well thats what i think.

  14. Let's just say a lot of celebs now do charity because she made it trendy and the thing to do and unlike most charity working celebs she honestly could make a difference where it counted. She looked these disadvantaged people in the eyes, and had very personal and emotional contact with them. She had a true gift. True she had issues just like everyone else, maybe it was her issues that helped her understand these less fortunate people.

  15. You might want to ask yourself why it bothers you so much how highly anyone feels to think of another person. Why is it hurting you? You're carrying an unnecessary negative energy that hurts you in the end if you don't do something about it. It prevents you from truly healing your own insecurities that you forthrightly have to be so bothered by the positive energy we choose to give to someone we've found a personal respect for.

    You name all of her human faults, when who is without it? You ignore the immense strength, and good will that she showed by means of persevering from the horrific treatment dealt to her in her marriage, and for birthing to the world two amazing sons who she taught to be very commendable, selfless, respect giving men. Her charities brought international light to problems which during a time not many paid any attention at all. She performed it with heart, and not forced, where many celebrities boast to look good. Her physical self? Is every bit as darling beautiful as her heart that we sincerely miss.

    Please raise your mentality, you show the worst of only yourself.

    In addition...some might say that she didn't fair so well during her marriage, however she did much better than some realize. Look beyond the superficial, she still maintained her good heart toward people, she didn't let it make her bitter, and she was still a good mother to their sons above all.

    RESPONSE:: I can't change you're opinion, its not my goal to, and thats your choice anyhow. I didn't draw conclusions on your life and personality from a question- Go back and read what you wrote from the point of an outsider, its the way you boldly judged, and negatively spoke of another person which is what displays your insecurities.  It doesn't cross my mind to judge someones life the way you have, or dare speak of who is and isn't this or that. Nor does it prompt me to ask why people love who they love, I could ask it for all the years Britney Spears has been successful, however someone liked her act, so it has been what it has been. You say her life was mediocre, have you done something greater? And who feels so, you? I don't know you, but possibly no one even knows you at all. And if  you are some famous whoever, than take pride, happiness, and security in your life, make for the world what good impact you can make, and not waste brain energy downing someone else's life and glory. Period. Diana never hurt anyone, she has only used her efforts to help make something better for someone. Let her rest in peace, respected. She was a role model, all of her short comings made common people any and everywhere find a piece of relation, that of all the h**l you may face in your life, this life is still worth something if you can use it to help manifest prosperity for others. Thats a beautiful spirit, she deserves admiration.

  16. I've often asked this very same question and people usually react the same way  most of your respondents are doing.   My answer to your inquiry is "I don't know!"  Also, why is so much attention paid to the British monarchy at all?  What's the big deal with those two princes?  I love Great Britain, the country, the people, the history, everything.  But the monarchy.....?

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