
Why people are so strange?best answer gets 10 points?

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I wanna ask a question to everyone..i am from india..

Why everyone or most of us are always happy with getting well-settled in life and not ready to be out of the box?

I am just curious..If we wanna achieve something big in life and make heads turn on us,we gotta take a lot of risks right?but everyone completes a degree..gets a job..nice paying job of course..then you do higher studies abroad or in India..then you get into a much high profile job and get married(duh) and get settled in abroad or in India [:O]this is what almost everyone does right?I mean most of them?a job paying in 6 get stuck with it and happy about it... at least that's what my cousins and relatives in my family have done/ this what is called a successful life?getting settled in life?how come they are content with it?

Why is that not everyone wants and dreams to make big impact and achieve huge things ?

I have read a lot of stories about people who made it monstrously big in life....but most of them have been poor,uneducated and have come up from the drains..If so,people who are well-off will always be happy with what they have?is it true?




  1. lots of people are conformists, they find a good job, and if it pays good, they stick with it. they don't want to success more in their lives, for them that's the success, to make money, not to be someone, to make a change, to think outside the box how you said, its really sad.

  2. Some people aren't secure enough to venture into the unknown.  They are quite comfortable doing the same thing day in and day out.  It is just their nature the same as it is your and my nature to think outside the box and dare to dream big.

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