
Why people cheat? What is the psychology behind?

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Why people cheat? What is the psychology behind?




  1. Dear Friend

    People who feel insecure and turn to cheating as an easy means to accumulate as much as they can before their turn runs out. In short they see an opportunity and react in a manner which fails to register the care for others around. lack of fear from society, rule of law etc are factors that contribute and make the person bolder in such actions. Non existence of family values and care of ethics as well accelerate such tendencies.

  2. Question " What doesa she have that I don;t?"


    "Nothing, but she has it here."

  3. People cheat for many reasons: But all those reason can be summarised and concluded as the reason for cheating is

    To prove their superiority over others....

  4. There are inherent bad habits in all persons.  Most of the habits are due to vicious surroundings i.e., bad company.  All religions preach their followers to avoid "cheating".  Prophet Mohammed (Peace Be Upon Him) said: "One who cheats is not among us (believers)"

    When the people see wealthy people, their high quality vehicles, palaces and other luxuries, they also try to amass wealth for such luxuries. LUXURY IS A CONTAGIOUS DISEASE.  People are resorting to sins such as stealing, gambling, cheating etc. for raising money without much effort.  The best way to get rid of this habit is to stay away from the vicious circle they live in.

  5. Closest distance between two points is a straight line. If someone can avoid the rules, they make a bee line to the end. Thus in their minds, the ends justify the means, even if the means avoid the rules.

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