
Why people from Argentina have very light skin color?

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Argentina is very sunny and warm country, so doesnt people get tanned, and dark skin even they are caucasian?




  1. Because of our European background.  We are mostly descendants from Spain and Italy.

  2. first of all there are plenty of ppl that are not light colered

    and it really depends on where your families are from

    and if you are a decenddent of an indian or not

  3. Large european immigration during the early and mid 20th century.

  4. In the north of argenitnian we have more desenden of indigenous, and the colour of them is more darck. We have strong migration of Italian and Spanian. This is a prinipal cause of our "palidez".

  5. because its called skin colour.... it comes in a range of colours

  6. Yeah, the exposition to the sun (but not to the heat) is the because of the different skin colors all around the world. However, this change of the color of the skin takes lots of years and may variate with the food people eat (the Inuits have kept their dark skin even though they live pretty near to the arctic circle because they eat a lot of fish).

    Argentina's 85% of it's population is white because of the European migration back in 1860 (from Italy, Spain, Germany, France, England, Wales, Ireland, Sweden, Norway, Russia... and the list goes on) so that's the origin of the white skinned people living in Argentina.

    I'm sorry, but I have to say that you're very ignorant. Do you know where Argentina is situated? Only because it is a Latin American country it means it is sunny and warm? It is in the north, but not in the rest: it varies from temperate to sub antarctic. Where I live, we used to receive snowfall each winter (not anymore because of the global warming, but we still receive snowfall and I live far away from the southernmost point).

    People do get tanned everywhere, even at the highest latitudes, but it is faster near the equator, where the sunlight hits "vertically" the surface (thus with more power), and if civilizations continue to live in those places, their predecessors will evolve a darker skin.

  7. it's because the farther you are away for the equator the colder it gets and people have a special chemical in their skin that only makes it darker when it's sunnier to protect your skin and lighter when it's not that sunny

  8. Most argentinians are of european descendant.

    Large communities of italians, germans, russian, croatian, spaniard, welsh and others.

  9. that's because Argentina is not sunny and warm, only the north of Argentina is like that, and there people has a darker skin color.

  10. The argentinian population is made of imingration. In 1820-1950 a lot of people from Europe went to Argentina to work in the farms and most of the european people have light skin. 80% of the argentinian people have europe descence. Also, we are in a very dangerous place because there is a big whole in the atmosphere above argentina, so we are very carefull with the sun and the skin cancer. But, anyway there is a lot of people with dark skin in Argentina. All the poor people that dont have even roof, clothes and lives in the dryest zones of Argentina have a very dark skin.

    If you want me to tell you, there are not much people in argentina that have a very very light skin, like me, that im completly white.

  11. Argentina has lots of climates and temperatures - from the hot jungle in the north to the eternal snow in the Andes and the icy Ushuaia only 500 miles from Antartica... but skin color is not only influenced by the sun, but also by genetics, and many people are descended from Europeans: italians, germans, spaniards, english.

  12. Some parts of Argentina are alpine. That is why a lot of Germans  retired there.

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