
Why people have problem understanding what I try to say?

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is there something wrong in the tone of my voice n attitude? when i ask a clear soft question to my boyfriend he says i am trying to fight with him. when i tell friends that i have a person's husband's phone number they go what the h**l r u doing with him....even when i dont say anything n sit still my mom would tell me i am thinking evil. when i am talking to a guy my friends would say i am flirting. but i dont mean all this. i mean i am very straightforward n i never something inside n say another. why people have tough time understanding me?




  1. I think your boyfriend is overprotective of you. You have done nothing wrong at all.

  2. There are 5 billion other boys in the world,  And your circle of friends sounds a little like a cult.  

    Just study hard and get by without getting sucked into those kind of conversations.  Then go to a college at least 500 miles away.  

  3. Perhaps it's your body language. A lot of the way that people understand what others are trying to say to them is not about the actual words, but instead their tone of voice and body language.

    If you tend to use body language that makes you look as though you are superior to others, aggressive or disinterested, whether consciously or subconsciously, you may be giving off the message to people that you want to argue with them.

    If you have a look at this site here

    there's a few hints about different kinds of body language people use to get things across.

    This could be where your misunderstandings are coming from.

  4. They are probably intimidated by the way you look or they are just joking around and being sarcastic.

    Other than that then you must live in a "twisted community".

  5. Ok, I know this...just about any guy, if you ask him a question they will accuse you of trying to start a fight...what that means is they don't wanna talk about whatever it is you are asking. This is a guy thing. I think guys have like a fear of questions or something...especially ones like "why did you do blah" or "what did you think about blah?" if you ask "hey you want some pizza?" you might be safe...but guys are weird...

    As for the other people, maybe they are being your mom saying you think evil, or your friends saying "why are you with him?" ...I dunno...cause I cannot hear your tone or theirs.

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