
Why people in yahoo7 ask questions in the philosophy category and they don't concern philosophy?

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question asked should be in the family category, psychology, divorce,... and never philosophy.

philosophic question are like this :

Does the world exist?

Are we illusion ?

Nothing exist everything is illusion!

why don't we ask a chemistry question in the category physics and a psychology question in physics category...

when we ask a question at least we should know what is the category of our questions.

for those who said that my question doesn't concern the philosophy category.

I'm defending the philosophy category, should I put my question in wich category.




  1. I guess many people know little about philosophy. I've taken a couple of courses in it. I do notice that many questions in this category aren't really about philosophy. I know the difference, but many people don't.

  2. We could consider this one under "the philosophical value of complaining about people who ask questions not related to philosophy in the philosophy category."  

    Do you feel better?  If not, it might not be effective.

  3. Because they like to think themselves, and would like to pass for, philosophers.

  4. You haven't been on here very long, have you?

    People do ALL sorts of ridiculous things on here, also hateful, mean, you name it.  You also get nice, caring answers, too.  

    You just have to sift through the bad, and ignore it.  

    I would guess some people don't even KNOW what philosophy is, so are guessing?

    Hollie:  If you are going to call people "stupid"  you might want to consider HOW you spelled "their".  It's "they're" as in they are...

  5. point taken......but I come here when I actually want answers...which doesn't happen very often.

      but if you see me here, it's usually because I feel like talking in circles, and analyzing things I didn't know I wanted to analyze.

       I love this place..don't kick me out just because I don't have all the answers.

  6. sometimes when you ask a question YA automatically pics a section for it to go under that it thinks is appropriate. I've asked a couple of questions and its ended up in some random topic. Thats probably why.

  7. For the point of philosophy, of course.

  8. Big deal, who cares, get a life!

  9. because their stupid maybe?

  10. Good answers by Venus and catdog. I don't know why they got thumbed down. An example of what catgod was talking about.

    I think it's mainly because people don't know what philosophy is, as people said.  Some people think it's some kind of inspirational or new age thing, like "Guide for the Advanced Soul" or something, whereas it is critical and analytical investigation of general presuppositions regarding science, morality, art etc.

    Looking at the first page now, only about 20% could be classed as philosophy. Some of them are more like pop psychology. "Are you happy?" isn't philosophy, "what is happiness?" is.  But it's pretty much inevitable, and it doesn't bother me that much.

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