
Why people like breeding ?

by  |  earlier

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im just wondering, what is the reason to breed, especially for middle-class who cant afford




  1. Nature is a powerful thing. Best wishes. UK

  2.'re asking why people like s*x.

    ...just wow.

  3. It baffles me as well, but I think people generally feel like they're supposed to have children at some point, otherwise their lives are incomplete.  In my personal opinion this is the result of social pressure more than it is a natural urge to procreate.  Humans, and perhaps to an even greater extent other animals, have all kinds of crazy s*x that has nothing to do with reproduction. Bodies and pleasures!

  4. if you don't mean s*x then my answer is simply to keep human generation flow going.

  5. i guess its the only thing their good at.......

    or maybe, and this is more likely - the benefits that come with having load's babies (ie- chavs, dobbers, rough as *****'s)

    And finally, they are too careless when it comes to contraception, most of them probably can't even spell it!

    They make me sick!

    Whats wrong with people, the world is over populated as it is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  6. Middle class can't afford to breed?  I don't know how accurate that statement is.  Besides, if the middle class didn't breed, the human population would probably diminish to the point where we would become an endangered species.  It's nature and it's actually helpful to most economies.  Particularly in the US where we are not repopulating as we should and are going to run into some major issues in a few yeas when we don't have enough laborers for our needs.

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