
Why people like the undertaker ABA theme?

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Honestly, I think it's the lowest point of his career. He's weaker than he is now. He got beaten a lot. He got attacked by his opponents, backstage or in the ring, more than he gets now.

Or it's just because the entrance?




  1. You're absolutely was a low point for The Undertaker, but the  reason he did it was because he wanted to go out there and try being himself instead of the "Deadman", or at least that's what he was saying in multiple interviews.

    I think "Mark Calaway" is what most people liked about ABA theme. It wasn't the gimmick they liked most; But moreso the person behind the gimmick.

  2. Only because of his entrance to the ring (the most intimidating entrance ever). Notice when he steps on the stairs and then into the ring how the front to middle rows spectators look at him: silently, with chills and respectfully! I mean, he gets the home veiwers to experience that as well, that's how strong his entrances are!

  3. The lowest point of Undertakers career was wen he was in the ministry

    tag champs with big show and that .... it just didnt work

    You have to change things in WWE so people dont get bored. i prefer him now but undertaker is such a good superstar he could pull off any gimmick

    and it was a good gimmick .... but some people couldnt accept him as the ABA instead of lord of darkness.

    but i love the undertaker so i can accept him whatver gimmick he plays

  4. Undertaker freshened up his character with the ABA and it was fun while it lasted.

  5. Probably because people want a more realistic character.  I'm not trying to be rude, but no one other than young kids are really scared of the Undertaker.  His entrance does not bring chills down our spine.  It's kinda lame when the announcers and other wrestlers try to hype it that way.  And his promos suck in my opinion.  "Vickie, I've come for your soul."  Yeah, that's really cool.....

    The badass was a more realistic character and Undertaker was allowed to be more like he is in real life.  That why people like it.  But it's a matter of preference.  If you like the Deadman more than the Badass it doesn't make you a mark or whatever and the same goes vice versa.  Liking the badass more doesn't make you better.  It just is.

    Personally, I don't like wrestlers that can't lose a match.  If I know who's gonna win, why watch?

  6. According to the Undertaker, he was forced to use his ABA gimmick. He had to lose match and Vince said that he is not a prefect wrestler( as in he has to lose somehow).

    In my point of view the fans like ABA theme cause he attacked more people, also made joke and made famous rivalries( Triple H, Brock Lesnar, The Rock, Vince).

    He also made classic moments, like when he chokeslamed Rikishi from the d**n Cell and when he made his big return at Judgment Day 2000 and whipped DX's *** hard.

    In my view I don't think the like the ABA theme, because of his entrance, maybe for the stuff he did.

    (P.S. He's my uncle.)

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