
Why people like to eat?????

by  |  earlier

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  1. ummm maybe because you would die if you didn't????

  2. Eating releases chemicals in your body that makes you feel good when you eat. It kind of messes with your mind and you want to eat lots. It's a defense mechanism so you don't starve.

    Also, food tastes good?

  3. Because food taste good

  4. I like to eat because,

    1) I get hungry

    2) the food tastes good

    3) if I don't eat, I go hypoglycemic

    Good luck

  5. I got to eat , so that I can stay alive!

  6. I like not being hungry.

    Thats why  I like to eat.

  7. Eating is pleasurable so that you wont forget to do it.

    It's biologically built in to everyone 'cause if eating was boring we'd all forget and just do without which isnt healthy for our bodies which need energy from food to function properly.

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