
Why people need government - can people not form co-operative society for the vilages and for cities?

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In the modern age governemtn also to be pace oriented - therfore burecracy to be stopped and need for alternative form of government.




  1. The pilgrims tried it and created a government.  So it probably doesn't work that well.

  2. well yes they can but who do u think will control the city or the village in total if they will become separated than for sure they will engage in wars for increasing their territory take some lessons from history. there are both positive side as well as negative sides

  3. Co-Op communities only work if the communities are extremely

    small. Less then a hundred people.

  4. People do not need government. However there are some who want it. Left to their own devices, most societies can find a way to get along. The big problem is that wherever there is no government, there will always be someone who sees a profit to be made from seizing power. This is the origin of almost every government on the planet.

    The original purpose of the government of the United States was to protect the people from other forms of government or tyrants who might move into the vacuum. We would all do well to remember that.

    John Ross Hendrix for United States Senate

  5. It will be  nothing but   chaos, already democracy is reduced to mobocracy

  6. FUND matters most! vis a versa controlling of fund as well.

  7. Yes, it s called tribalism.

  8. Yes,, that is true.  You would be interested to read about John Locke who theorized that people are gradually depending on the government more and more, and there is a lack of "social trust" in society.

    Look at the statistics.  How many people are apart of civic organizations nowadays.  Community program members are decreasing.  Even the number of members in fraternities and sororities are declining.  This is all due to a lack of "social trust."

  9. Looking at the corrupt manner in which most co-operative societies are run, we are probably better off without !!!

  10. In theory, people can firm coops.  In reality, the coops of more complicated arrnagements end up with a division of labor around specialities and assignment of responsibilities accordingly.  Then comes enforcement of the rules.  Regrettably, not every participant will be cooperative.

    A newspaper cartoonist had one of his characters say, long ago, "I have seen the enemy and it is us!"

  11. Well, yes I agree that the governments of today are full of red tape, non-productivity, and corruption, but national government is necessary.  Just think of some of the things they are responsible for, such as the postal service, the interstate system of highways, and all of the federal protection agencies like the EPA, FCC, and others.  Without a federal government, we'd have even worse corruption in this world.

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