
Why people quote 'girls give s*x to get love but guys give love to get s*x'? is this true?

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Why people quote 'girls give s*x to get love but guys give love to get s*x'? is this true?




  1. Not all girls easily give s*x thinking that when a guy gives s*x it means he is in love with her. s*x does not mean he loves the girl. But as you know, some girls are that desperate to have a man in their arms they will do anything.

    For men who have stronger libido (in general), they think that the only way to get a woman to have s*x with him is to convince her that he loves her. If she thinks he is not committed and will fool around, she will not easily give in.

  2. girl and guy have something to offer to each other.

    but that is not healthy...

  3. no i dont think so..

    my ex just wait to get love...

    dont say s*x, kiss pun tak boleh..

  4. Man, I should find all that girls!!!

  5. Yep.

  6. True for most people. This is a good question.


    Girls should'nt give themselves hoping for love in return. Its a huge waste of time. And guys should'nt offer love and expect s*x as a return. Unless if agreed by both that love is not involved.

  7. Yes.  And sometime ago, I was ashamed (when asked by them), I couldn't differenciate between 'making love' & 'having s*x'.

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