
Why people say that money isnt growing on the trees?

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if I sell apples, I can earn something. money is made out of paper and paper is made out of trees. hm, looks like the money is growing on trees.




  1. If you want to break it down like that than yes. But ink doesn't grow on trees...yet dollar bills have ink in them.

  2. Show me a tree that grows money like leaves and fruit, and I'll show you $100 million dollars.

  3. ok. Hong

  4. Because we wish we could walk in our back yard nd pluck real money off of the tree.  There is an old movie called the money tree-watch it sometime.  It's hilarius.

  5. its made from them but does not grow on them...

    they are telling you to stop spending it!

  6. They just mean that getting money isn't as easy as going out in your backyard and picking 100 dollar bills of your "money tree". Yes you can sell apples but that's actually alot of hard work to harvest and maintain an orchard.

  7. In order to produce apples, you will need to own or rent the orchard.  You will need to pay to water and fertilize the trees.  You may also need to pay someone to harvest the apples. Then you will need to transport your goods to the market.

  8. It simply means there is not an endless source though it grows on trees for the taking.

  9. Figurative language unlike your analogy....

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