
Why people such lazy that they prefer to be deceived but not to read the books ?

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It is easy to listen radio and TV, but why we swallow everything without doubt




  1. Books don't always have the answer nor to newspapers.

    But, i do agree that i find more people who have never read a book now then i have ever in my life.

    I actually had a person who came to fix my plumbing see my book shelf and ask,

    " Do you read all those books? "

    Wow, how stupid can people be asking something as dumb as that?

  2. Too lazy to read books?  What exactly are you asking here honey?  Might I reccommend a grammar book?  lol.  Just kidding. I'm not sure what you are getting at with this question!

  3. Like books dont lie also... People should only rely on multiple quality sources. Then its hard to get the wrong info.

  4. were being raised that way, the T.V. is becoming more the mom dad and babysitter, and your mom wouldn't lie to you right, and now with so many advances in technology we are just further zombifying future generations more and more, it's a snow ball effect that unfortunately without some serious sh*t going down will not stop.Its like I like to say, the only difference between a democrat and republican is one gets their B.S. from MSNBC and one gets theirs from FOX

  5. What are you asking? I don't understand.

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