
Why people talk on cell phone on bus so loud?

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I ride bus to school and work everyday. Always many black peoples talkings on the phone so loud I can't read book. I ask nicely to please wait to off bus to talk and girl start yelling at me. Then boyfriend threaten to beat me. When I get off bus two black boys trys to beats me up I break big ones nose and knock out on pavemant and other run aways. Everyday the black peoples so loud and rude while the other peoples try to read. Why these people so rude and have no respect for thems or other peoples?




  1. Keep in mind there's also mexicans talking too loud, italians talking too loud, etc.  Everyone talks too d**n loud.  People will get mad at you for discriminating and you're gonna realize everyone is pretty much an a$$hole when they're out in public or if they have to ride the bus in general.  Learn to read with background isn't that d**n hard.

  2. you now you should be very careful speaking of race and talking loud.  The first thing that will happen now is you will be labled a prejudice kid.  I would find that interesing if you yourself are of color.  What would that be called?

    I acutally as an adult have made comments within ear shot of them about something they are talking about.  It makes them aware that they are loud enough to be heard everywhere.

  3. When you ride on a public conveyance, you take it as it is. You are not entitled to demand quiet so that you can engage in your personal pursuits.

    Look at it this way. When people (not just black people) talk on their cell phones, they are not doing it on purpose to interfere with what you are doing. On the other hand, when you ask them to stop what they are doing for your convenience, you are saying that your activity (reading) is more important that their activity (talking). Of the two, you are the more selfish and rude. Add to that your racial prejudice, and it is no wonder they are upset with you.

  4. i knew by the title it was going to be concentrated on color. i ride the bus, i'm a black woman and i expeirence the same things everyday. but not all of them are always black. i have seen white people speak loudly on phones. people are just raised differently and dont practice manners. has nothing to do with the color of their skin. if you want some quietness you get the bus driver to tell them to quiet it down.

    ***EDIT*** look  you are going way too far with the way youre describing my race. stop being so freaken ignorant. we are not animals. its really you who's the animal since all you do is pick out people's faults. if you dont like it, get yourself a freaken a car!!

  5. People are ignorant.

  6. It is not all black Deary...I had to deal with a white 40 year old in the grocery store speaking loudly into a cel phone while I was trying to transact business...she became incredibly rude when I asked her to take her conversation out of my space. She was standing so close I couldn't sign the receipt without her moving. Two etiquette issues...the not so private phone and invasion of personal space. It did not end on a positive note...but you must stand up for yourself...politely whenever possible...assertively if necessary.

    The advent of the "WalkMan" started the private-in-public behaviors and unfortunately the cel phone has brought that sense of I'm just doing my thing and your comfort is not my concern" into daily living. These people have developed an exaggerated sense of self importance to the exclusion of propriety and basic manners.

  7. Some people are just loud talkers, my mom is one. You can hear her on the phone outside with all the windows closed! Also sometimes the bus is loud, if the air is on or the bus is just beat up you can hear the wheels turning and the engine running on some buses. So they think they need to talk louder on the phone for the person to hear them, or they just have a jacked up phone with terrible reception.  

    Instead of telling someone to wait until they get off the bus is an opening for an argument. Next time someone is loud on the bus ask them to talk lower, you're not interested in hearing their conversation. If they don't do then you should complain to the bus driver.

  8. Don't tell strangers what to do, because there is always a chance they will attack you.   A mobile phone is such a tiny thing and the people they are talking to are so far away, it is hard to get their heads around the fact they don't have to yell.  Also the noise of the surrounding area often interferes with the call so they try to yell over it.    Wear earplugs or headphones with music.   If you have to share space with others, you unfortunately have to pay the price.   It is not only certain races that do this loud talking.

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