
Why people think Is it wrong to hate women and be mysoginist?

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Really I just hate women with a passion, the way they talk, act, their pesonality, basically I just can't stand anything about them. Why do people think thats wrong and try to change me, I'm happy not having to deal with them but people keep trying to change me.

My sociology teacher for instance is unfortunately a women and forces her view points down peoples throughts. In fact she wanted everyone in class to write a paper on what they decide was a big social problem, so I wrote it on women getting more funding then men even though men pay the majority of taxes.

I provided facts that women do infact get more funding for their medical problems, education, ect. And that women have more advantages then men. But she would have none of it and after class had a talk with me and is trying to force me to go hear some feminist s****s speak as part of my homework.

Who do you think is wrong?




  1. theres no right or wrong

    but your attitude is very alienating and you cause your own downfalls by being the way you are

    continue by all means, its your own life after all, and you should conduct it and you the way you wish to

    but you make your own life very difficult,

    to the point you are on a q/a site asking strangers WHY do others think the way they do and to agree, or argue, with you because you feel probably very isolated and feel you have no-one else totalk to

    if you need to ask strangers this, then i fear you have your answer

    your SOCIOLOGY  teacher asking eveyrone to do a study on SOCIETY , SOCIAL AND SOCIOLOGICAL issues

    is doing her job

    it seems your bais and ignorance and hater is blinding your sense and rationality

    as so often bigots suffer

    if you truly hate women, it sounds like you have serious problems, you can dislike them, not want to date them and be g*y, but hating them is a very large problem to have that much aggression, anger built  in irrational  hostility is going to mean long term, your life will be nothing short of depressing and you may even become a danger to society

    she cant 'force' you to go do or hear anything

    but id beleive she aske dif you would or would like to

    i think you need to see a psychiatrist

    your issue is going to sooner or later get you into serious trouble

    and that would be why people are worried, scared thinking you are 'wrong'

    they can see what you clearly cant

    that you are a danger and are heading for trouble

    i seriously suggest you go get mental help

  2. Neither of you is "wrong".  But why is it important to you to prove women are getting all the "goodies"?

  3. I'm sure this question is a joke, but I'll give it a serious answer.

    I think you are wrong. For the simple reason that it is wrong to hate whole categories of people for no apparent reason. If you want to make an academic case that women have more advantages than men, go for it. I don't think you are right. And once you look either temporally or geographically outside the modern west, you are certainly wrong. Given your attitude towards women, however, I suspect your paper wasn't exactly the model of objectivity. If you used it to rant about women or say that you hate women, your teacher was absolutely correct to talk to you. While classrooms need to have a strong degree of intellectual freedom, this doesn't mean that hateful ranting is acceptable.

    Ok, with that out of the way, I see a big problem with your assumption that because men pay more taxes and women get more "funding," women have an advantage. Why do men pay more taxes? Because they make more money. That is actually a point against you. Why would women get more medical funding (assuming this is true)? The fact that most women have pregnancies is likely a big factor there. Furthermore, if paying more taxes and taking less medical funding is a sign of being disadvantaged, then the young male CEO's would be one of the most disadvantaged groups, and elderly black women would be one of the most dominant social groups. The fact that neither is the case indicates that there is a lot more to social "advantage" than your paper can account for.

  4. you must accept who people are no matter what personality, race, or s*x. so dump your boyfriend and post your info so you can find a woman! We live in a diverse society nowadays their no time for hate.

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