
Why people usually use right hand to do things rather than left hand?

by Guest62014  |  earlier

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Why this habit usually practiced by people all around the world? And when did it begins? Especially in writings and holding swords....using guns




  1. The brain is split into the left and right sides. Left side of the brain controls the right hand side of the body and is more practical, logical. The Right side of the brain controls the left hand side of the body and is more creative.

    Therefore, I guess it makes sense that most people use the right hand side of the body (left brained) to perform practical tasks. I don't know how this accounts for left-handed people, but this is what I've always understood to be the case. The website below explains more fully.

    According to the website, it seems a majority of painters tend to be left-handed because they are more creative! Hope that helps.

  2. Most people are right handed because for many centuries, left usually meant something evil.  For example, even the English word "sinister" which means evil has Latin roots for "left".  Therefore, people guided their children to hold things in their right hand, and write with their left hand.  I am left-handed, and I remember teachers trying to force me to change and be right-handed.  I couldn't do it, but many right-handers are possibly that way because it was forced

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