
Why people wanna hear nice things instead of the truth?

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why people wanna hear nice things instead of the truth, it happen on yahoo answer often, this probably get delete because somebody is a hater and dont like this topic, i bet




  1. b/c some ppl are sensitive like me but sometimes the truth hurts but its the only way to get ur point across

  2. Well because they have their own opinions , and it probably hurts when you go against what they think. For instance , if somebody ask if they're pretty , and if you say no, when they think , they're the hottest thing in the world , it probably hurts their self esteem .

  3. yep , i have got blocked by people for telling the truth  

  4. they can't handle the truth.

  5. yeah people get mad when I tell the truth about how the USA is  

  6. I completely agree! I cant stand fake people and will expel someone as a friend if they are fake. The truth hurts sometimes but the truth will set you free. The first step to deliverance or progress is admitting we have a problem other wise we will never prosper. & America has these new politically correctness fakness that is driving me up the wall. Speak the truth but do it with love.

  7. Sometimes the truth hurts, but on Yahoo they usually do it in the meanest possible way to get you annoyed

  8. Because the truth usually hurts....A LOT! Many people create their own personal truths, and are shocked when someone bursts their bubble.  I believe ithe truth something everyone needs to hear, whether they want to or not.

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