
Why petrol cheaper on Tuesdays in Australia?

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IS petrol cheaper on Tuesdays?




  1. cos Wednesday is payday

  2. I like the 2nd

    Where i live(melb) it is actually cheap Thurs and Friday's...Wednesday's are the killer days down here...

  3. Probably because it's after the weekend & before pay-day here in Australia for most people. Pay-day Wednesday/Thursday.

  4. Petrol is at its most expensive on Fridays and the weekend. Tuesday and Wednesday morning (early morning) are cheapest because they are the middle of the cycle.

  5. tight a*se tuesday

  6. cheap tuesday!!!

  7. I agree with mmdjaajl.  Paydays are later in the week we don't care that we have to fill it up for more because most of us don't want to live without it.

  8. my guess is that's the way the oil companies want it

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