
Why pilot can not see landing gear?

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If they can see through camera, . They can have safe and smooth landing.At touch down time it is very important.




  1. There is absolutely no need for the pilot(s) to see the landing gear. Firstly, with all the monitoring off the instrument displays, etc., there would be no time to look at the camera. Secondly, everything there is to know about the landing is shown on the panel in front of the pilot(s) and thirdly, just staring at the camera will probably result in a hard landing; the pilot-in-command won't be able to accurately determine airspeed and altitude.

    P.S. Please improve your English, it's kinda hard to understand what you're trying to ask!

  2. The U2 goes one better than a camera while landing:  A chase car follows the aircraft down the runway and the driver gives the pilot constant feedback on his height above the runway, wings level attitude, etc.  This is because the pilots view is extremely restricted in that aircraft.  In normal aircraft, your view of the horizon plus your peripheral vision of the runway edges is generally all that's necessary.

  3. Generally it is better to have a view of the horizon when landing an aircraft as it gives a better sense of height and descent rate.  IMO, looking at the wheels to judge the landing based on when they hit would make for a poor landing.

  4. who says you cant? i fly the cessna caravan.i see the landing gear all the time.

  5. The instruments and cockpit position already give them enough view. Landing is more about rate of descent, which is measured by instruments, than exact precision of landing gear placement. The only aircraft that might be equipped with cameras would be ones with little visibility like Concorde or proposed future supersonic transports that will have similiar poor visibility or. possibly, no windows at all. Basically, landings are already safe and smooth. They just don't need the cameras.

  6. My friend, your English is just perfect and don't mind what Sunshine wrote. You may tell him that 'kinda' is not English but American slang.

    Incidentally, for high wings aircraft like the De Havilland Dash, the pilot can very well see the landing gears by turning his head.

  7. they have instruments to help them in their pitch which they can and use during landing..............................thu... cutting unnecessary equipment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. The instrumentation in the cockpit tells them at what angle the nose is at, what it needs to be and the correct airspeed and such to descend. The camera is unnecessary.

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