
Why planes doesn't have number 13?

by  |  earlier

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are 13 unlucky number?and why?

I'm too confuse!!~

~sorry!!broken grammar!!




  1. I thought it has............

  2. 4 muslim,we not encourange to believe the myth and horoskop like that because it can destroy our believe to GOD..

    my frenz said that 13 has good meaning..but 'some people' like to fear Muslim by giving untruth and scary stories for 13 such as Friday of 13th and 13 Ghost ..

  3. i saw a plane with that number

  4. Really ? I didn't know that...

  5. In quite a few of European & South American countries, the number 13 is associated with bad luck. It is even worse when the number 13 falls on a Friday. It is considered a "black Friday" by lots of people and the strange thing is that...people who are convinced this is an unlucky day have bad things befalling them! Is this a question of Mind over Matter ?!

    I don't know why, but this is part of European & S American superstition.

    If I am not mistaken, I think that in Italy this number is considered a lucky number.

    So...for some it is lucky and for others not. I suppose to protect the sensibilities of their customers/guests, the airlines/hotels/etc... choose not to use this number.

    Same goes for having 13 people seated at a table or inviting 13 people. This is not the done thing + it is a problem for the host to seat an uneven number of people at a table.

    It would be interesting to see if North American airlines use  this number on their planes, though.

    extra info : the building i live in was built by a Chinese contractor hasn't got any floor with a number 4 digit (NO 4, 14, 24, 34, 44, etc..) because this is also considered a "bad omen" digit by the Chinese.

    Hope this helps.


    when i went to india last time..

    the plane punye no plat is QQQ1313..

    my seat number is 1313

    i get to eat 13 meals..

    i got 13 frens during the flight..

    13 days i stranded in my room due to 'kepedasan' kari yg melampau..

    see?lotsa 13..fret not..fret no my mate hehe

  7. Have you watch "fiday the 13th"?? just like chinese dont like no 4

  8. above answer say it all!~

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