
Why plants have to make special adaptions to hot,dry conditions?

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Desert survival




  1. One point is the fact that they have really thick waxy cuticles so that the water in their leaves don't get evaporated by the sun.

    Another one would have to do with the stomata opening and closing. (don't quite remember thisI'mIm pretty sure it lets them go through photosynthesis without light or the dark cycle alsKrebsbs cycle I think.

    That's the what they do to adapt and why is because when plants first appeared it was survival of the fittest and the only ones that survived were ones that could adapt.

  2. Plants have to have these features to survive in hot desert conditions. Tropical rain forest plants don't have and don't need these features.

    In deserts there is little water and high temperatures so plants have features to grow and survive in their own habitat. Great Creator, huh?

    Features include:

    1) Store water (succulents)

    2) Short lives (ephemerals)

    3) Extensive root systems

    4) Small sharp leaves (not eaten and little transpiration)

    5) Waxy leaves to reflect sunlight.

    There are others too.

  3. simply because of water, they need to collect as much as possible and as quickly as possible when it rains which is why shallow roots that cover a large area are one adaptation. they also need to store that water.  because it is usually extremely hot and dry having a waxy layer over the plant helps prevent a large amount of water being lost by transpiration. some plants like the cactus have spines instead of leaves which reduces the amount of water loss by transpiration

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