
Why plants keep disapearing from my pond?

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We have a little pond in my back garden, it is inhabited by frogs, a couple of toads and two goldfish. we have a few oxygenaters, a water chestnut and a water hyasinth, bith of them have 8 or 9 satelites coming from them. well latley some of the oxygenators were dragged out of the pond and since friday night some of the satelites from the plants have been snapped off and have disappeared bar two that we found behund some plant and on our drive! our pond looks a mess now as before it was looking pretty good. does anyone know what is taking our plants and any advise at how to stop it.

many thanks in advance





  1. I’d say either your neighbors are very hungry and are afraid to use a flashlight so they are fumbling around in there at night for salad greens or it a local nocturnal animal doing what hungry nocturnal animals do.

    The only way to stop it is to bring your neighbors a side dish of vegetables or salad every night – or you are going to have to put up a barricade (fence) to keep the creatures of the night out of the pond.

    You could always install a motion sensor light that might startle whomever or whatever is snacking.

  2. sounds like some kind of animal is doing this,

    especially since there is evidence of them lying elsewhere

    if it were a person they would probably take the whole thing

    the damage sounds like an animal, but depends where you are as to what it could be

    they may have dragged it out of the way to gain easier access to you pond to drink or even try to eat your fish

  3. I would guess either a raccoon or a cat. Both animals are very curious. Raccoons are more likely because they like to wash their food before they eat it washed and they have made a terrific mess of my garden plants at times certainly. They love eating frogs.  Cats?  Mine brought me a frog and spit it at my feet two days ago.  He isn't even an out door cat.  How did that happen do you suppose?  I have seen him mess with my fish tank and pull every thing out onto the floor including the plants and fish.  What you might do is fashion some sort of lid to go over your pond if possible.  Not sure how you would do it but if it saves all your work it might work.  Some plywood maybe? Do they have pond covers? Actually I found a link.  

  4. I have a pond with fish, frogs, lilies, and other floating plants. I also have one particular cat that loves to hunt the frogs. He never catches them just hunts them and touches them to make them jump in the water. This cat has very bad eye sight and I don't know if this is his reason or not but I have seen him grabbing the water hyacinth and pull them out and carry them away. My question to you is... do you have a cat?

  5. I'd say either ..


    or vandals!

  6. fish can be great at uprooting and eating plants, but your TWO aren't to blame are they?

         Is a dog blundering its' way into your pond, or a greedy neighbour ripping you off?

  7. Chances are it is raccoons. They are nocturnal and will tear pond vegetation into shreds.

  8. You could always install a motion sensor light that might startle whomever or whatever is snacking.

    plus a video to and recorded what ever as well

    or sit up all night  and wait and watch

    I would do the video


  9. I would think it's a raccoon, out trying to get my fish, getting tangled in the plants and then dragging them with him as he left.....

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