
Why play Bass Guitar?

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For a couple months now, I've been playing with the idea of learning Bass Guitar. I've never learned to play guitar at before-or any kind of string instrument-but I can play trumpet and saxophone. My reason for switching is that I want an instrument that is pretty easy to carry around and just pick up and play for personal enjoyment. I love my trumpet and sax, but they're heavy and awkward, and it is hard to find a good place to play them where they won't disturb others (they're loud and obnoxious and I live in an apartment).

Anyway, my question. I want to know why you bass guitar players chose your instrument, and why you chose it over other instruments. What do you like about playing it? And why should someone learn to play it?

I guess I'm just trying to get a feel for whether this is something that I'll like. I chose it because It sounds like such a dirty, s**y instrument, and because its not the most obvious instrument to chose--it's not showy like a lead guitar might be, but its just as important and no song would be the same without it. However, I'm used to playing melodic, showy instruments (trumpet...) so I don't know how easily I'll adjust to an instrument a) in the lower registers, and b) with less emphasis on melody.

any thoughts?




  1. Bass guitar is just as important as the drum in keeping rhythm; the two together are the backbone of a song. I personally don't play it but I am enough of a musicophile to know that.

  2. I wanted to form a band at first and i was about to play guitar because my friend said bass was easier and he wanted less work or something but he ended up buying a guitar so i chose bass. At first i sorta didn't like it but i heard stuff like queens "Don't stop me now" and some muse songs and i had to play them now i appreciate it more and im gonna get a more expensive bass. You should learn to play it to be more patient. It takes a little more effort than it looks if your gonna learn more techniques on playing it.  

  3. I tried to learn bass and its an instrument thats a bit easier than guitar but as you learn more starts to differ from guitar in some ways. Like how its usually played with no pick and there are a few more differences like slap bass. I also think that people choose it because they don't want to be whats noticed in the music or maybe they perfer to have their sound fill in under another.

    There are some bands that feature a very heavy bass that is sometimes audible over drums and guitar like Primus. It also happens in some songs there are bass solos and some songs have the guitar only in the chorus.

  4. i think the main attractions to the bass guitar are these;

    1) it's cool

    2) it is less popular and more unique

    3) you can play some pretty jazzy lines or you could play really good backup for any song

    4) you can still play melodies but not very well.

  5. The first time I heard Chris Squire (from YES) play Roundabout I decided I wanted to play what is usually a background instrument (Bass) as something just as important to the music as Guitar or Keyboards.

    I used to play the Sax too.

  6. Your logic is way off key...  Sax and trumpet are easier to "carry around"...  Bass is way heavier.  The change in clef might also bother you.  You should play the clarinet or viola.  Also, get mutes for your other instruments.
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