
Why put medicine on cats scruff?

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So I always wondered why you put some medicines and flea/tick med. on the cats scruff? Besides them not being able to l**k that area as easily, does it soak into the skin faster in that area or something?




  1. It's put there so that the cat doesn't l**k it off and get sick and so the medication will actually be able to stay there and work. That's it.

  2. Cats are very flexible, and when they're cleaning, that is the only spot they can't reach. Some medicines are ineffective when ingested (the cat's digestive system will destroy it), others will make the cat ill if ingested.

    They don't like it, though, since a cat doesn't enjoy having something on it that it can't remove.

  3. Cats are pretty flexible. They can l**k just about everywhere on their bodies. They cannot reach the tops of their heads and the base of their skulls. They can, however, pull the flea meds off the top of the head with their paws. That is why you put it at the base of the skull. It's the only place that they can't reach.  

  4. So they don't l**k it off get sick and die...

  5. The reason is so that the cat cannot l**k it off. I will get really sick if he does. It will still work even though it is there dont worry.

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