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So i was looking at some website of belly pics durring pregnany for the 1 trimester and as early as 6-13 weeks they are not a skinny girl and im not huge either im medium size. And even people the same size or bigger is showing.

im 12 weeks and im not showing one bit. =(




  1. The same thing happened to me, and I also felt frustrated. Once you pass the 20 week mark you will start showing more.

    Most of the time people notice but don't mention it for fear of being wrong or so they don't make you feel fat. Don't worry I heard that you end up showing right away in the 2nd pregnancy.

  2. Everyone is different of course, but I know that people usually show a lot quicker with each pregnancy.

  3. I didn't show until 4 months, then with certain clothes you still couldn't tell.  There were people I had regular classes with who didn't know until I was 5 months.  Don't worry.

  4. at 17, unfortunatly. i was 130#, 5' 8", i didnt show til i was almost 7 months.  i was healthy, my baby was 8# 6oz....just depends and you and your kid!

  5. It is normal, dont worry... wait until your 20 weeks! You will start showing real soon, so dont worry much about that. Its different for everyone!
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