
Why r Wahabis Called Kafirs??Wahabis Only!!!?

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Why do "some" Muslims call u "Kafirs"??

What is it that they don't like about you??

Can you explain it to me??


This question is a friendly question,

so we don't need to slander other Muslims beliefs

This question is limited to wahabis only




  1. The first question to ask is:

    What is a Wahhaabi?

    al-Wahhaab is an attribute of Allaah. So a Wahhaabi is one who follows al-Wahhaab correct? So a person who follows al-Wahhaab is a Kaafir?

  2. Wahhabi's use the shirk as a tool/weapon to led down other Muslims

    Same like Iblees did to led down Adam pbuh, by giving an excuse of Shirk on bowing to Adam pbuh.

    So Wahhabis are follower of Iblees.

    They want to Hi-Jac the name Sunni'sm, Sunni's actually practise the Sunnah of Muhammad pbuh,

    yes Wahhabi's are also some sort of Sunni's who follow the sunnah of Iblees.

  3. because wahabis are always trying to keep Islam free of Shirk and helping Muslims to practice pure monotheism.Their explanation of everything is so perfect and logical. so people with narrow minds called them kafirs!!  lol

    but remember, they use this Wahabi for Great ahlus sunnah ullams!!

  4. does a criminal admit he's a criminal?

    does a theif admit he's a theif?

    does a liar admit he's a liar?

    does a wahabi admit he's a wahabi?

    to answer all them :NO

  5. Muslims call all Non Muslims Kaffirs. So if u r looking for logic, it does not exist.

  6. I don't know why but only Shias call Wahabis Kafirs. I think this is because they try to expose Shiasm.

    What is a difference between a Wahabi and a Sunni?

    And who is qualified to be called a Wahabi?

  7. I have never heard of a person who actually knows the meaning of 'wahabi' to call themselves one.

    People of shirk and innovation call the people who are upon the Quran and authentic Hadith (sunnah, way of the prophet) and follow the companions a wahabis.

    you see Muhammad Ishfaq, well he is an excellent example. He speaks without any knowledge.

  8. In my knowledge there is no single Muslim who refers himself as a Wahhabi. There is no office or a registered name as 'Wahhabi' or Wahhabism. There are no scholars who represents for wahhabi. So who is a wahhabi?  British invented this name. It is a name upon someone by some others because they don't like the way their Islam is. It is not necessary be Arabs. It can be any Muslim who cling to Holy Quran and the Sunnah gets this label from somewhere around.

  9. theyre not kafirs

    they dont like the strictness

    i just did explain it

    imnot a wahabi but they are people like the government in Saudia Arabia that just are very strict about Islam and thats it nothin more to it

    its just that people dont like it well because of the strictness

  10. First of All who calls themselves Wahabbi ? No one  !!

    There is nothing like a wahhabi its just derogatory term used  By shirk and bidah lovers for those who strictly follows Quran & hadith.

    And on the bsis of that they point out the mistakes practiced by muslims in a form of shirk and bidah

    They want that all muslims should follow quran & Hadith

    Here is the answer of Brother Abul Harith .

    Al-Wahhaab is one of the Attributes of Allaah.

    When people say so-and-so is Wahhaabi, they intend the following:

    "A follower of Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhaab"

    According to the 'Aqeedah of Islaam, a person who is Wahhaabi should be a follower of whom? al-Wahhaab.

    Regardless, look at the insincerity of these people. If they were truthful they would say "Muhammadis" as the Shaykh they refer to is "Shaykh MUHAMMAD bin (son of) Abdul-Wahhaab" not Shaykh 'Abdul-Wahhaab, his father.

    The name was first used by the British in India years after the death of Shaykh Muhammad bin Abdul-Wahhaab. Many of the indian scholars traveled to Yemen and Saudi Arabia, and they learned from the scholars and began preaching Islaam again in India. This troubled the British and they spread the term "Wahhabi". The ignorant Muslims took this and used against anyone who called against Shirk and Bid'ah.

    The Rawaafidh Shee'ah have hatred towards the Shaykh because he leveled their shrines and graves where they used to worship the dead, such as in Karbala.

    From Abul-Hayyaaj al-Asadee who said: "‘Alee Ibn Abee Taalib said to me: 'Shall I not send you for what the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) sent me? That you deface all statues and pictures and that you level all elevated graves.'" Related by Muslim (3/61), Aboo Daawood (3/70), an-Nisaa‘ee (1/285) and others.

    Excerpt from The "Wahhabi" Myth:

    The word "Wahabism" is in fact nothing but a meaningless appellation which is used by people in two cases: The term "Wahabism" is often used to describe those who closely stick to the verses of the Qur'an and the narrations of the Prophet Muhammad (may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace) in all religious affairs. Consequently, instead of directly attacking Islam for those things that do not appeal to their desires, they call anyone who follows these texts "Wahabis."

    @ ASKER ! Do u call wahabis KAFIR ?

    And which muslims call wahabis kafir ,Can u plz name them?

    JazakAllah Bro .Asker for the clarification,

  11. Here is the same answer I answered to a question yesterday. The last part answeres your question.

    Wahhabis and Sunnis are the same thing. They follow the sunnah of the prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) & They are the real true muslims.

    If you think about it..there really is no such thing as a Wahhabi. The shias just nick named us sunnis "Wahhabis" from a man named Muhammad ibn Abd-al-Wahhab. He was a sunni scholar from Saudia Arabia who banned worshipping graves and other haram things the shias did. So thats why nowaday, shias hate them so much and call them followers of Iblees and kaffirs.

  12. Wahhabis are followers of Iblees. Wahhabis are called Ahle-Hadith because they reject Quran but follow false fabricated Hadiths which contradict Quran.

    Here is Iblees's belief from Quran. You be the judge

    Quran 15:30] So the angels prostrated themselves, all of them together:

    Quran 15:31] Not so Iblis: he refused to be among those who prostrated themselves.

    Quran 15:32] (Allah) said: "O Iblis! what is your reason for not being among those who prostrated themselves?"

    Quran 15:33] (Iblis) said: "I am not one to prostrate myself to man, whom Thou didst create from sounding clay, from mud moulded into shape."

    Quran 15:34] (Allah) said: "Then get thee out from here; for thou art rejected, accursed.

    Quran 15:35] "And the curse shall be on thee till the day of Judgment."

    Quran 15:36] (Iblis) said: "O my Lord! give me then respite till the Day the (dead) are raised."

    Quran 15:37] (Allah) said: "Respite is granted thee

    Quran 15:38] "Till the Day of the Time appointed."

    Quran 15:39] (Iblis) said: "O my Lord! because Thou hast put me in the wrong, I will make (wrong) fair-seeming to them on the earth, and I will put them all in the wrong,-

    Quran 15:40] "Except Thy servants among them, sincere and purified (by Thy Grace)."

  13. I am using my limited knowledge and to the extent I remember..

    This is not true.. Wahabis are not called Kafirs.. I beleive by Wahabis you mean "Ahle Hadees".

    Itis just the grouping within muslims and some people take the inter-group conflict to the level that they call other group Kafir.. Ideally no one should call one Kafir if a person himself says that he is Muslim.. Rest goes to Allah with him and will be dealt.

    Next question. Now what is Kafir.. Verb form of Kafir is Kafara.. One who denies.. So the one who denied Islam(i beleive) is called Kafir in Arabic. But as such the word does specify only a feeling. Religious intention has been added to it with time and usage.. So Kafir word refers to a person who denies Islam..

    What is it that Muslims dont like about Kafirs.. Well, important thing that Kafir is not a Muslim..

    I think this question should not be limited to Wahabis.. Let the people who can stay in limits answer.

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