
Why r some boys so immature in school lessons?

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there's gotta b a reason!




  1. because boys are very imature and act silly for attention...

  2. Since this is in the homeschool section, I will come at the question from a homeschool perspective.

    I have not seen a huge disparity between the boys and the girls when it comes to learning. I have three sons and a daughter and they are fairly comperable. I also have been teaching 1st and 2nd as well as high school online courses to homeschoolers this year and have been a very active local co-op techer which has allowed me to work with kids from many other families.

    About the only difference that I have seen, which in my opinion is a fairly minor sifference, is that the boys consistently are not ready for the fine motor skills associated with writing and drawing as early as girls are. The girls write and draw for fun from pre-school and on. The boys seem only to do this more at about the age of 8 to 9 and on. THe boys seem to be specializing in large motor skills at this age range instead of fine motor skills. With my 2nd and 3rd son I changed tactics about handwriting. I pushed number one son and he was miserable. With number 2 I found he was struggling like number one had, so I backed off of writing and gave him alternate ways to do his school work (oral, computer, manipulatives) and he thrived. When it was time for handwriting, he found it easy. I am using the same methods with my third son who is now 7. Yet, by comaprison, I never gave a single handwriting lesson to my daughter because by age 4 she had taught herself to write the upper and lower case letters. With all my kids, we stuck with print and for cursive we focused on signature development and the ability to read the chicken scratch that most people have for cursive. LOL. I never pushed my kids to learn to write anything more than their signatures in it. All the kids did enjoy the pusuit of calligraphy at around age 10. We have several fancy quills and writing guides.

  3. People are making funny in their ways.

    When you like it you will like it, when you don't you will call it immature.

    People have their own tastes, try to enjoy the beauty of life!

  4. because boys  aren't as patient as girls. they may be interested for a few minutes but after a while, they begin to do what they want.

  5. depends on age for one, they are in a learning process.  A boy doesn't develope his mind till their in their mid twentys.  So from birth to then they are still learning and developing their body and mind.

  6. They are too over active and need to slow down, im a lad and personally i get annoyed by the people who are stupid


  7. Cause some boys are just unruly and lack a decent attention span.  This isn't limited to boys though, girls can be just as easily like this too.

  8. Most young boys of school age haven't got a single brain cell in their head. Surprisingly, a male brain doesn't 'kick in' until he is about 17 or 18 years of age. (Scientific study)

    A young school boy knows he's thick and has to behave in a boisterous manner to cover up his idiocy in front of his friends. They all do it and therefore they're all idiots.

    And, this is a man writing this.

  9. There will always be both girls and boys who are immature but I would say that one main reason is that they aren't interested.

    That's where homeschooling comes in! When you homeschool you can learn what you want,  how you want. When you're doing an interesting thing in an interesting way that eliminates being uninterested and can then make boys (and girls) more mature and focused.

  10. I think it might be because society has always made it out to seem like boys are the more immature s*x when it comes to school, so they are just acting out the role that is set for them. That and males tend to grow slower then females both physically and behaviorally because they usually don't hit puberty until after girls. But I don't think this is true for ALL boys, some yes, but defintally not all.

    Sorry if I was getting too serious about this question ;) we've actually be discussing this in my psychology class.

  11. dont listen 2 rob beare he is a girl

  12. not many boys enjoy studying

  13. Boys take longer to mature than girls and have a short attention span. Be patient with them, in a few years they will catch up and behave in class.

  14. Girls mature quicker than boys.  And trust me not all boys are mature.  I am 38 and my ex b/f was 49 and he is so flaming childish, (that's why he's my ex) so some boys do not turn into men. lol

  15. Testosterone.  It's a very strange drug.

    It's a FACT of life more BOYS than girls are hyperactive.

    Plus, you know, boys are BORN know it all.

    Oh, God, drive with them sometime.  Do you know where you're going.  Of course.  Let's stop and ask.  No way!

    It's an ego thing.

    It is a fact of life that more girls do better than boys in school, especially in all girls schools where there are no distractions.

    And, you'll NEVER get boys to admitt it, there are more MALE dumb blondes than female.

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